Saturday, October 28, 2023

Flotsam And Jetsam

Jetsam, noun, unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a ship and washed ashore, especially material that has been discarded to lighten the vessel.

Flotsam and jetsam, floating wreckage and unwanted goods thrown off the vessel of modern life. There's a lot of it about, in no particular order:

Harvard, Satan's Vatican

Madonna, Queen of Pop

Justsin Welby, titular head of WANC (Worldwide Anglican Non-Communion)

The sheer genius of Yoko

And liturgical dance, which is so very loved by all

Don't get me wrong, this isn't an exhaustive list, just a snapshot. Feel free to chime in.




  1. Ummm...LSP- What have we done to deserve those photos?

    I will note that Yoko has a fine set of teeth and Madonna better not stand too close to a hot stove or she'll melt like a Nazi in "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

  2. Theme from the Jetsam's

    Meet George Jetsam.
    His apostate boy Welby.
    Daughter Madona - uck!
    Yoko his shrieking wife.

    And remember, George pushed buttons at Spacely SPROCKETS not SOCKETS

  3. Wild, outsanding verse!

    And thanks for the link, I'd forgotten that. Nice one.
