Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Well, kind of. Two big branches fell from two big pecan trees into the back yard of the Compound, doubtless the victims of climate change and or global warming. I looked at them, hanging and lying on the parched, cracked earth of this part of North Central Texas.

If only we'd paid more tax and made our Illuminati NWO Vizier Satraps even wealthier than they are already. Why then, none of this ecological catastrophe would've happened. As it is, we'll have to get in there with carbon guzzling chainsaws and sort that pecan wood out, maybe tomorrow.

Speaking of Satraps, did you know that in late antiquity the Byzantine authority set up on the Palatine Hill in Rome, in the very palaces of the Emperors. Imagine them, looking out from decayed imperial grandeur on the vast ruin field of what had been a city of a million inhabitants.

Reflecting on this, along with Gregory the Great, Pantheon bronze and the Phocian Column, to say nothing of Justinian and Belisarius, I walked the dog to the Pick 'n Steal through a golden Texan sunset. Beautiful, and I thanked God for it, Providence is quite a thing.

That in mind, hope everyone had a great Labor Day and sang the Internationale unceasingly.



  1. An ill wind, certainly, but pecan wood makes good smoke for barbecue.

    I wonder if those modern-day Philistines in the District of Criminals who hold we swine in such contempt ever look out over the monuments with regret over their abject failure to live up to the promise, and if they can even remember when they first sold out.

    Not likely.

  2. Pecan trees love to drop branches, or so hubby told me.
    Your sunset was a blessed one, for sure. :)
    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. Typical of pecans. They do that on a regular basis. Sigh...

  4. I agree. Chainsaw them down, cut them, cure them, split them, and BBQ steaks over that fragrant wood.

  5. Yes, LL, and that's exactly what we've been doing. Problem? Solution.

  6. I know, NFO, "self pruning"...

  7. Bless you, Linda, and yes, what a golden sunset!

  8. Totally agree, Wild, they're too venal to see such things.

    Hey, I'm being polite.

  9. This is clearly the result of climate change, racisms, and capitalism. Check your privilege LSP.

  10. Dammit, Swanenstein, you got me there. MUST PAY MOAR TAX.
