Friday, September 15, 2023

So Who's Next?


So who's next, who will be the leader of our great Unconstitutional Non-Republic in 2024? Will it be Dementia Corpse Crook Biden? He can't even climb the steps to Airforce One, what a pathetic joke even though he is the most popular president figure in the history of history. Will it be Cackles Whore?  Everyone loves this Delta Minus Semi Moron, have a look.

I don't see it, but maybe Killery's going to make a comeback and go for total, absolute power one more time. Dammit, her turn. Unlikely, too much peaked, spent force type of thing, but maybe the Golden Golem of Greatness, Trump himself? 

Will he ascend the throne? I'd like it if he did, most awesome, but everything's against it apart from actual popularity and as we know, that doesn't count when it comes to elections.

Then there's Big Mike Michelle. Imagine it swooping in from leftfield from its Vineyard oceanfront mansion, perhaps on a Gruesome Newsom running mate tip. Just think, our very first POC trans woman President. Roll out victory rainbow flags all 'round the world for this bestial satan. 

But what about an RFK/Tulsi ticket? I call not a chance in Hell, but it'd be cool. Feel free to weigh in, I know nothing.




  1. You ruled out the Pelosi Klan and Newsom?

  2. Even an imperfect implement may be used for great purpose.

  3. Whoever pays of Dominion and their voting machines win.

  4. Please pass the eye bleach.

  5. I'd prefer a Trump/Tulsi ticket. RFK is soft on drugs and on the LGBTQ agenda, he is better at poking the beast. Only Trump would go after the swamp.

  6. Trump/Lake….give the seditious opposition nowhere to go. Then watch the resultant crying and wailing…meaning we’re right over the target.

    As for the Tyrannical Dem’s, not Big Mike, he/she likes his/her rockstar lifestyle generally out of the limelight (altho we have yet to hear of a new replacement chef for the MV Compound). Too much scrutiny if front and center (so to speak). Joe is short-circuiting worse than before, the Chinesium Concoction is losing it’s steam. Harris is a bust but can minimally sign her name, which is all they need her to do, continuing the unconstitutional precedent of writing law by Executive Order. And RFKjr/Gabbard won’t be allowed. Jeffries was never voted, appointed…he may toss in before year-end. The Dems may look unorganized p but that is their magician misdirect play…altho they do project intent.

  7. That picture of the MOOCH, well, it reminds me of the actual salt monster from Star Trek (Original series, with the best captain, that being Captain Kirk.) Seriously, she/he/it (say it like you're southern for the full effect) is one scary hominid.

    I pray it's Trump. And Lake. Be nice to see both of them poop on the current occupant of the Governor's mansion and seat in Arizona. Poop real hard.

    Unfortunately the steal is already set up. WSF above has part of it, but there's so much more. 2022 was their chance to finagle the stealection so that it wasn't so damned obvious. And our feckless federal court system won't even look at any evidence unless there's a case, but they won't allow a case to be presented because there's no official evidence. That statement, as true as it is, is so twisted I think I just spun my head off my neck writing it.

  8. Dammit, LL, I missed that angle. Hideous.

  9. There is that, Ritchie, I agree.

  10. Doesn't matter who votes, WSF, but who counts them. I think Stalin said something like that.

  11. Good call, Julie, and we both know that ain't gonna happen. At least not yet.

  12. Agreed, Paul, barring a miracle.

  13. Beans, the fix, most surely, is in.

    But wow, our unelected masters sure have a rubbish slate to choose from. Perhaps there's hope in that.
