Monday, August 14, 2023



Here in Texas we call it skywater, water that literally falls from the sky, and we haven't had any since May - until this afternoon. It began slowly, tentative drops patterning the sidewalk, please don't stop, then picked up pace.

Astounded, I stood on the porch, looking out in wonder. Wow, actual rain, you could see it, and with the skywater came thunder, lightning and a sudden drop in temperature. Beautiful.

Then it stopped, but for how long. Even now, dark clouds are rolling in from the West; will they break and unleash a cataclysmic storm upon this small heat stricken country town? 

Here at the Compound we watch and wait, expectant.




  1. Well said, Ed.

    And dammit, the storm seems to have passed over. I was looking forward to an elemental confrontation on the porch.

  2. Skywater is the direct result of climate racisms, trust the science!

  3. I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday - the edge of a storm in the sky! From our location here in the armpit of Dallas Co., I got a picture of it.

  4. Yes, Herr Doktor.

    Ich liebe die Wissenschaft!

    We struggle to end the racism of Weather and Countryside.


    Which is odd, given Heimat, but whatever.

  5. Gen X, I was hoping it'd head your way, what a blessed relief. Everyone was smiling at the Brookshires!
