Saturday, August 5, 2023

Kaiser Hymn


Behold, Otto von Hapsburg is laid to rest. A friend was there, ordained by JPII no less, and loved it. Apparently people turned up in Death's Head Hussar uniforms. Respect. Regardless, here's the Kaisar Hymn:

If you scorn the above you're an utter fool. That said, can we wind the clock back to a better, more gilded and glorious age? I'd argue, no, we cannot. On topic if a bit oblique, Chesterton and Belloc argued and argued well for "swords about the Cross." 

Well said, Church Militant, and then the world turned and WWI crashed in with some 60,000 British men dying in the first day of the Somme offensive alone. All of a sudden Chester/Belloc didn't look so good.  The War, you see, caught them left-footed, military metaphor didn't look so bright and we lost faith in our culture. 

Fail. But not so fast, punters, what's wrong with being proud of your country and its tradition, what's wrong with celebrating Christian leadership, not least the Hapsburgs. Nothing at all, especially when we consider its opposite, the Godless, Satanic, kill-it-in-the womb fangs of our omnipresent Aggressor; hiding, of course, behind euphemisms and lies, like "Woman's Healthcare."

Their ruler is the Father of Lies and a murderer from the beginning. His kingdom has been broken, definitively, by the Cross. Here endeth the Lesson.

Walk in the light,



  1. So much was lost in WWI. Instead we get jackbooted thugs dressed in Hugo Boss.


  2. And there's nothing wrong with being proud of your country and your culture, as long as your country and culture aren't screwed up. So, no celebration of the Kymer Rouge, nor the NASDP, or the Italian Fascists. Toss in every international socialist country or regime, and most national socialist countries or regimes.

  3. Presumably that would include the Demoncrat party and their little brother partners in crime, The Stoopid Party.

  4. Beans, WWI, what an absolute, total, catastrophic disaster.

    Then there's Hugo Boss.

    And yes, be proud of what's good and I'd argue much of Western Civ was just that pre-war, with all its faults. But of course I wasn't there, still, we can see its remnants and sense the thing.

    Today? Some believe we'd make the NSDAP blush, which is no small thing. I fear this will only accelerate as we cash checks on the faith while notoriously failing to deposit.

    Hey, it's not as though this wasn't foretold.

  5. If you scratch the surface of our current government (state, fed, even local) you will find it all is national socialism.

    Government controls everything, not directly but indirectly. Go against the government and you'll pay and pay and pay.

    National Socialism. It's for the Children, they say. For the Children.

    Funny how children grow and achieve far better under good old rampant capitalism.
