Monday, August 21, 2023

Do Not Comply


Do you remember COVID? How we were all supposed to stay indoors, keep 6' "social distancing" when we managed to get outside and had to wear masks when we did? 

Yes, the same masks which their Made in China boxes said were of no use at all against influenza. Not unlike the experimental vaccines which everyone had to take at the risk of their lives or jobs. Sure you remember, we all do, and it looks like the Bat Bug's back.

Thanks to newly discovered mutated strains of the lab grown, Fauci funded, not-so-killer virus, like Eris and BS 1.5, our beloved rulers in the White House are urging another round of booster shots. Get those booster jabs, serfs, or Pfizer, Moderna & Co. will run out of money and Big Pharma won't be there to look after you and you'll all die.

Or something like that. On cue, National Treasure Alex Jones tells us whistleblower sources have discovered the Biden Administration plans to roll out COVID restrictions on Federal workers in the Fall, such as masking, vaxxing and distancing. All this by way of going full throttle Covid freakout in time for the next election. Hey, if you can do it once, why not again and again and again. Said the boy who cried wolf.

That in mind, #DoNotComply is trending on the time sink formerly known as Twitter and I'm in sympathy. You, of course, will disagree. We must trust our Inside-the-Beltway Rainbow Overlords because they want what's best for us, as do their alchemical Viziers.

I'm reminded of taking a friend to hospital in Fort Worth on election day 2020 where we had to put on those stupid masks. I checked in at the perspex defended nurses' station and matronly Ms. Scrubs stared at my not-over-the-nose maskery. "It's really good," she announced with that healthcare, educate toddler condescension we so despise and hate, "that you're protecting yourself, but shouldn't you protect everyone else?"

Resisting the heady temptation to dial in a trebuchet strike against the Science, I pulled up the idiotic mask and off we went. Today? Not so inclined. I say again, boy who called wolf, and that's putting it mildly.




  1. Very hefty post there LSP. I would tell you to report yourself but I think they already know all about you.

    As to more jabbings, the 89 year old gentleman who used to run our Feast day Pasta Dinner was recommended to have the jab five times due to a heart condition, which he did. No one else in his immediate family did. Miraculously, he survived, and is no longer down with the program, as he has a lot of first hand knowledge of people who were harmed by jab.

  2. Other than a tetanus shot, I haven't had any injections in over ten years. I will not comply.

  3. We will not get that poison jab. I’ve read too many accounts and obituaries of people who “died suddenly.” Often younger, athletic, or generally active outdoors type people, not with other health issues. I know people who work in the health industry, and new treatments need years of testing and trials before being approved for the public. These Covid drugs had none of that, and are still pushed even with documented side effects. They are trying to kill us.
    Southern NH

  4. My cleaning lady wore 3 masks but wouldn't get the shot. I didn't wear a mask and still haven't had the shot and not getting one now. Another basketball 23 yo died. No cause of death. Wanna have a bet on it being the shot or not?

  5. I managed to never put on a mask anywhere with the one exception at Costco to cash my $541.00 reward check. As soon as I had my money in my hot little hands I removed my slave mask and cancelled my membership. Boo on Costco! It's not the place it used to be. Lower quality and I get better deals at Wallyworld who, I might add, NEVER forced me to wear a mask.

  6. We did not comply the first time around as we saw after less than a month that the handwriting on the wall indicated Our Betters were running a Push Narrative Psyop, plus DrMrsPaulM knew the virus origins the September prior, which helped see through the insanity.

  7. Cue the illegal Chinese bio-lab making viruses in Commiefornia in

    That one dropped back under the radar quickly, didden it?

  8. I tell you, DOS, the J&J jab nearly killed my eldest. Like. No. Kidding.

    What utterly sick people.

  9. It might well get nasty, Herr Doktor.

  10. Southern, my wife resigned from a "health authority" over this. Why? Many reasons, not least being told to cover up adverse vax results. She looked at the paper and said, "I resign."

    Well done, that girl.

  11. Right on, glass, surely nothing to do with the vax.

  12. Adrienne, I applaud your NON COMPLIANCE.

    FFS, Costco. What a gang of satans.

  13. Well done, Dr. Paul.

    I think most of us saw through the idiocy after a month, me included.

  14. Look, Wild.

    No. Bio Labs. Ever.


  15. Yes, Mr. LL.

    China to US mask brokers have an opportunity. Just putting it out there.
