Sunday, August 6, 2023

Boys In The Hood


Well, not so much Hood as Cavasos because changing names and removing statues will do so much to raise the fortunes of virtue signalling hypocrite Democrats poverty stricken POCs everywhere. Except that it won't. Regardless, General Cavasos seems to have been the real deal and I enjoyed a brief tour of the post this afternoon.

The place always strikes me as well put together, unlike Killeen, and it was fun to drive around 1 Cav's enormous motor pools. Look at that, tanks! And the new JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) which is replacing ancient HMMVs. 

It comes in 2 and 4 seat variants and features a V8 power plant, advanced networking capability, scalable armor and can be fitted with an array of weaponry: light and heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, anti-tank missiles and more. You can read about this demonstrably badass vehicle here.

Tour over, we stopped at the PX for food, which meant something called a "Philly Cheesesteak," which is a kind of sandwich thing, for the boy and a small order of fries for me. Was it cheap? No, it was not cheap. It was expensive. Very expensive. Maybe I will apply for bankruptcy.

That's as maybe. Perhaps you remember when fast food was a quick, inexpensive variant to real food? Those days are well gone, my friends. But the kid liked it, so. And you know what? He's proud of the US Army and his post. I like that a lot.

Then it was back to 57 Signal, a fond farewell, and a drive back to the bucolic farming community that is LSPland. And all was good, with I35 strangely easy and to the West a massive Texan sun sank to the horizon, filling the air with golden light.

God Bless,



  1. Next the greenies will want to turn the new vehicle electric!

  2. Oh, I know, Anon.

    Such errant, utter, idiocy.

  3. It was inexpensive to eat on base/post at one point. Not now? What happened? At least they didn't name the base Fort Obama or Fort Hunter Biden (a Navy 'veteran' from what I'm told).

    1. “Veteran”. What kind of idiot manages to piss hot on a known/scheduled drug test? That was rhetorical.

  4. PX's are not cheep anymore, and the food is 'Main Street America' e.g. the 'favorites' available in most of the US... sigh

  5. Dear Lord, LL. Fort Hunter Biden!

    Please don't give them any more ideas... oh, wait... Fort Hillary, Fort Kerry, Fort Strzok, Fort Diane Fienstein, Fort Nancy Pelosi and MORE.

    Fort George Floyd. Fort...

    Must stop this now.

  6. I saw one place, NFO, a BBQ setup, that wasn't a main chain and advertised a 10% discount over its rivals. It was shut for the evening, annoyingly. It looked good.

  7. Mike, you have to wonder. Maybe wanted to get out? Or maybe just really degenerate stupid and didn't GAF.
