Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Marine Le Pen On Fire


Listen up, all ye heathen, Marine Le Pen's on fire:

Ask yourselves, since when did being a patriot, and a country having borders equate with Fascism? 

Follow the money to the root of the issue, our beloved, transnational, elite, insatiable great replacement rulers. Hint, dear readers, who benefits from massive immigration? Labor, or its private island owning boss. Ponder that, reflect on it, rainbow unicorn style.

In related news, Germany's donated 20,000 HE artillery shells to the Ukraine out of its stock of, ahem, 20,000 shells, but at least they have 15 nukes. Does this mean European defense policy is equivalent to some guy walking around unarmed with a dynamite vest? You get the issue.

Regardless, and as always, your call,



  1. Maybe the French can just throw gay unicorns at them......

    Yeah, I know. Report myself for re-education. Again. Seventh time this week.

  2. Wild, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a massive, huge and ugly backlash. Remember, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect,

    But yes, of course, report yourself.

  3. France is getting to the point where they need a strong leader, a really strong leader, to lead the people against the government and to fight invaders and crime.

    Like Napoleon, except without the attacking foreign powers thingy.

    Marine Le Pen would and could do it.

    Hope an adult takes charge soon or else there won't be much left of old France.
