Friday, July 28, 2023

Do You Trust Our Rulers?


Serious question, do you trust beloved rulers, people like Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland? Here, have a look at her before Satan claimed his own:

She progressed to this, proof positive for the outward and physical being a reflection of the inward and spiritual:

Nuland's considered one of the architects of our current proxy war on Russia. You might think this war a very good thing but if so, do you really want to be aligned with Nuland and her friends? 

To put it another way, are you on the side of the Deep State MIC (Military Industrial Complex) and its allies, or not? You know, the very same people who rigged an election against 45 who, weirdly, didn't start any wars.

Your call, readers. And remember, we build, they destroy.

Every time,



  1. In DC evil abounds. I trust them to follow the devil into the pit at the end.

  2. Trust our government? Has the Texas heat gotten to you?

  3. No.

    I wouldn't trust them to be dead if they were hanging for three days and body parts started falling off.

    Which is why, with evil, you should always cut the head off, stuff holy wafers in the mouth and body cavity, drive a stake through its heart, dismember the rest of the body, burn it in sunlight and lots of heat, and bury the ashes of the head and body on other sides of a moving body of water, preferably one that stays moving.

  4. She's an intellectual lightweight. So she fits right in.

  5. I'm old enough to remember being taught in skool that those kinds of folks worked for us, not the other way around like it seems to be in Mud-urn America.

    But it probably wasn't true back then, either.....

  6. Sambo, I'm right with you on that.

  7. Sorry, WSF, I clearly need to... cool off.

  8. Beans, you're right.

    They must be utterly destroyed. Not just a slap on the wrist, not some kind of "reprimand," but taken out, root and branch.

    God will do this, terrifyingly.

  9. LL, just look at her transformation into a creature of evil. I mean, dammit, it's not a good look and it belies iniquity.

    I won't go on, though tempted.

  10. That's the way it should be, Wild.

    And serious question: why have we, even now a churchgoing nation, allowed this wickedness to spring up. Asleep at the wheel, eh?
