Monday, July 24, 2023

Are You A Burner?


Burning Man's coming up, punters, in just a few weeks. So we have to ask, what sort of Burner would you be? OK, I know only a few of us could begin to afford the huge cost of this elite hippy desert extravaganza or even want to go, but say you could.

Perhaps you would be a Flying Circus hippy.

A Running Swine hippy?

Maybe a Space Reich hippy by a dying tree.

Or just a simple Dome Head.

Then there's always the cowboy option.

down to earth, what?

Here at the Compound we like the cowboy track, allied with Safari Expedition: Tents, rifles, Pimms, Coronation Chicken et al. Then, when the wealthy zombified art hippies are shuffling to the denouement of their freak fayre, a giant burning man, we drop the boom. Recollected readers will remember the film.

Be careful out there,



  1. I've said it before, but that film scared the daylights out of me. It was really well done (no pun!), had good actors, but was just a little too uncomfortable to me.

  2. That was a most excellent and scary movie, as drjim says.

    What type of Burner? WWII Marine in the Pacific with a backpack burner is the type of burner I'd be.

  3. I'd definitely be a Space Reich Hippy.

  4. I thought I recognized you there, Juliette.

  5. You have to be able to secure your campsite while you're out observing the sights or you'll return to find the place either looted or occupied by Space Reich Hippies who have turned your spot into a commune for -- communing or whatever Space Reigh Hippies do.

  6. LL, that's a very sound caveat.

    I'm not an expert but I think Space Reich Hippies do a lot of art philosophy. Maybe a bit like the Vril.

  7. Good call, Beans.

    And what a great movie.
