Tuesday, July 18, 2023

A Bit Chilly!


Now that everyone's recovered from yesterday's curious juxtaposition of Thomist hymnody and Millwall FC, we can all sit back and enjoy the refreshingly cool breeze of a Texan summer evening.  Except that we can't because it's like a preheating oven out there and it's not even August.

Rhodie doesn't seem too fazed by it though, despite having a fur coat, and spends his time sleeping inside when not patrolling the perimeter. In fact, he got a bit adventurous last night and went off on an unauthorized recce patrol.

Where's the dog? I asked myself. Nowhere to be seen, but there he was on the front porch at first light, sleeping, safe and sound. Glad he had the sense to nav back to the den.

Try not to melt out there,



  1. The new hound has a lot to live up to in terms of expectations.

  2. He does, LL, no doubt about it. He's a good boy, though not as sharp as Blue Terminator.
