Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Well Done Boy

We love it when our children do well and, of course, it grieves us when they don't. So well done boy on passing your promotion board this morning, by unanimous consent. This means he's off to Sergeant School in July.

front row, second from left

It's been a bit of a journey, both before and after he marched off the field at Benning, but he's risen to the challenge. Good work, keep it coming, and thanks again to LL for solid mentorship.




  1. Congratulations and God bless.

  2. He has done well!

    It's a big step from enlisted to non-commissioned officer status. I got my sergeant's stripes 50 plus years ago and they remain amongst my most prized possessions. I dunno if the tradition of wetting down the new stripes still obtains in today's woke Army but it should and if not, we'll have to unofficially do something about that.

  3. Very pleased and proud, Linda.

  4. Thanks, Wild, I really appreciate that.

    I'll ask about the stripes...

  5. Hooah! Well done.

    Got my Sgt. stripes in December of '76.

  6. Well done, young man. And a "Well Done" to his parents as well.

  7. Congratulations! And BZ indeed.

  8. Thanks, drjim, I'll pass that on.

  9. Most definitely, LL!

    And you'd be amused. He tipped up last night to share the joy and I congratulated the youngster, "Well done, boy, now don't f*ck up." He laughed and said, "That's exactly what my First Sergeant said."

    Next step? A few more semesters and perhaps ROTC/Maverick. Good thing he went in for 6 years, eh? And even better that the life agreed with him.

    Anyway, thanks for doing your not inconsiderable bit.

  10. Success can be measured in many ways, this would be one. Congrats.
