Wednesday, June 7, 2023

New Flags


There I was and there was the laptop. "Look here, silvery malfeasant, I've had enough of you." So I did an about turn and strode out to the Front Office, aka "Porch," and there was a great F 250 truck off the side of HQ. And two new flags, gleaming brightly.

I recognize that rig, I thought to myself, and walked off the storied porch to meet its owner. "Fr. LSP, I'd hoped you wouldn't catch me," said the flag benefactor beneath straw hat and mirror shades.Well hey, caught you out.

That in mind, why move into some hideous neo-lib suburb? Keen-eyed readers will note I haven't. "You know," I remarked to our flag friend, "Sometimes I fly the Bonny Blue instead of that." He looked at me and smiled, we were at one.

The Cause,



  1. Nice flags, Parson. :)
    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. Awesome! As Dorothy said “there’s no place like Texas!” Or something like that!
    Wishing you and yours a shady spot on a hot day, a pox on the skeeters,
    and all the Good Lords blessings!

  3. It's good to have friends. And it's a grand old flag. All three of 'em.

  4. What? No Pride flag? During Pride Month???? DURING PRIDE MONTH????? How dare you!!!

  5. Thanks, Linda, I appreciate that.

  6. Well thank you, Anon. Every blessing to you.

  7. Wild, yes indeed.

    I think I need to break out the Bonnie Blue more often, it's becoming increasingly apt. Not that it ever wasn't, but you know what I mean.

  8. Infidel, I... I... forgot! Please don't report me!

  9. The new flags give the compound some polish

  10. My personal favorite flag is the Pinetree Flag - An Appeal to God. Since they've made the Gadsen flag, the cut-rattler flag, the Betsy Ross flag, the Texas Republic cannon flag, all neo-national and all. The leftists will see the environment. Those in the know will know.

    Though the Bonnie Blue, the Texas Flag, the Florida Flag, the Union flag, the Confederate Battle Flag, the Whiskey Rebellion flags, all the flags flown by true citizens of the states and countries of this nation, in revolt or in support of this great experiment, should be flown.

    And Fort Bragg and Fort Hood will forever in this son of both the South (CSA eligible) and the North (GAR eligible) remain Fort Bragg and Fort Hood.

    To paraphrase that leftist twitwiddle, "How dare they!"

  11. Thanks, LL, I think so too.

  12. Totally agree, Beans.

    Btw, everyone at Fort Hood calls it "Fort Hood."

    And yes, how dare they mess with our country's honor and history? What tinpot, corporate funded Maoists.

