Thursday, May 11, 2023

Just Knocking About


The first part of the day was all about lawyers guns and money and that was OK. Here in this bucolic sector of the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone (NCTEZ) you can pretty much walk everywhere to do your business. 

And what do you see as you stroll along the leafy boulevards of Old Tejas? All the debris of our increasingly barbarous modern age. Weaves, dime bags, broken toys, and Bud Light cans hurled away in disgust to lie abandoned in the gutter.

This town used to be 20,000 people strong back when cotton was king and now it's around 7,000, a growing majority of which are Hispanic. This will certainly increase and what does it mean? Any number of things, not least: I need to learn Spanish, like no kidding.

Being able to celebrate the Mass in Spanish, albeit not very well, is a good first step but obviously not a final solution. Honing up the "habla" and getting a bilingual deacon from the diocese would take things to a different level, let's get on that.

But looking over the horizon, what's caused us to commit demographic suicide, and we're doing exactly that. Keen-eyed readers will note Rome, with all its grandeur, had a similar problem. They stopped having children and imported barbarians to fill the gap.

Here that means Catholics, who are by no means friends of the Rainbow. In Europe, at least the UK, it mostly means Mohammedans, and they hate the Rainbow too. How this works out is anyone's guess but I'll wager the monkey on conflict, and thank God we're dealing with a Catholic instead of Moslem replacement. 

Tempted to bang on but won't, you'll note this little town has machine shops. America's known for that, and riflemen, kudos.

Hold The Line,



  1. Any fist fights for parking spots in the shade?

  2. Good thing I was armed, Mr. WSF.

  3. “A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” ― Thomas Jefferson

  4. What an excellent quote, Wild.
