Friday, May 5, 2023



By the left,



  1. Good show and all that but don't much care for King Charles and his new world order great reset!

  2. LSP, where was the Royal Horse Artillery? I waited all of the way through to see artillery on caissons and feel somehow cheated. I know, there's a critic in every crowd. Having served with the DLC, there is that expectation for at least a symbolic piece of artillery. And the lancers didn't have lances.

    Ok, carry on, Rule Britania and all that.

  3. I don't have a pony in this race; however...

    It seems to me Camilla is very much a Jill Biden type.

    "Queen Consort" and "Dr." Both impressive sounding BS monikers.

    Both where they are because of men who the powers that be present as near-messianics. And yet the common person knows to be a duffus.

    Both who attempt to be so important, but even those closest to them know them to be unimportant to "the cause".

    O! And both have waited years to be in the limelight. And those years have not been kind to either of them.

    Less I be considered a sexist: both their husbands are utter fools and useful idiots.

  4. When it first started I thought it was a mayday parade for Russia or China. But then I realized it was the coronation.
    I didn't watch, sorry.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. Typical sailors...LOL can't march worth a damn! :-)

  6. With you, Anon, let's see if he lives up to his office.

  7. LL, good point. Where was the RHA? Hidden, somewhere?

    Still, Blues & Royals were snappy. Well done.

    DLC wasn't involved, oddly. Perhaps they didn't like our slouch hats. More fool them.

  8. Ah, Prodigal, salute the rank, not the man. Or Camilla, obvs.

    And look, at least the repellent, simpering, money grabbing, fraudulent, D List Meghan wasn't there. So. there is that.

  9. I watched the highlights, Linda. It was so much better for EII, imo.

    Bless you.

  10. Well at least "you lot" now know why they put the horses at the back of the parade, so there's that for ya.

  11. I was thinking exactly that, Wild. You're clearly psychic!
