Sunday, April 16, 2023

Was Julius Caesar A Person Of Color?


For years people have arrogantly assumed that Julius Caesar was an old white general who conquered Gaul, affirming their racial bias. But new research and analysis of marble busts, contemporary portraits of Caesar, clearly show he wasn't a violent white militarist but a wise and powerful person of color:

"Caesar has been decolonized," opined one expert from Satan's Vatican, Harvard, "The myth of settler superiority over Indigenous Peoples is broken. We've reclaimed Caesar as a person of color, breaking the oppressive myth of white supremacy. It is a global endeavor and the black busts of Caesar reinforce this."

In related news, Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corsican Upstart who was utterly defeated by the Iron Duke, was also a person of color.

Black portraits of Arthur Wellesley have yet to be found.

Virtutis Fortuna,



  1. These people got paid to come up with this. They are so proud of themselves. Most likely, never held a real job in their lives.

  2. Would it be ray-sist of me to posit that if he really were a person other than Caucasian, all those Roman writers would have mentioned it?

  3. All Italians are black...haven't you noticed? LOL....IDIOTS.

  4. April 1st was a ways ago.

    But seriously, both Cleopatra (short, big boobs, kinda chunky, honking big nose, olive-colored skin) and Julius C. (tall, Roman nose, fair skin, muscular in a Roman way) were both white. About as white as you can get without going total Scandinavianish.

    I hate this fallen world.

  5. More insanity.

    I want to play Cassius Clay in the made for tv movie.

  6. I've been led to believe that every important European or person of mid Eastern descent, is black...
    Or olive skinned. That's the same thing, right?

    You all be safe and God bless. :)

  7. “Black portraits of Arthur Wellesley have yet to be found.”

    Maybe so, but like many of the young women of the college that bears his name*, his grace the Duke of Wellington was a situational lesbian.

    *Wellesley College was not named after Arthur Wellesley but rather after a nearby mansion owned by the neighbor of the founder of the college. So far as I can tell from personal acquaintance of and even a few friendships with Wellesley alumnae, it’s essentially a cult. You get a good edumacation and world-class contacts (if you’re paying any attention) out of it, but it’s also like joining a cult. Plus situational lesbianism. (Same goes for Smith College, only more so. But I digress into New England elite women’s college lore.) The Wellesley student body recently voted to admit “transwomen” and “nonbinary” persons. The administration is, I think, against it. But if it happens, it will wreck the institution for actual women. Even though I think Wellesley is genuinely cultish, I mostly don’t want to see it come to pass. “Let a thousand Lia Thomases bloom!” is a bad thing.


  8. I know, WSF, it's a remarkable thing.

  9. Wild, report yourself. Immediately.

  10. Beans, it seems things are only getting worse. But hey, at least we're decolonizing history and selling trans beer.

    Kyrie Eleison.

  11. I see an important role coming up, LL.

    Then there's the PIRATE. Another movie?

  12. But of course, Linda.

    God bless.

  13. Whoa, Mike, I didn't know that and now I do.

    The Iron Duke as situational lesbian.

    Another movie concept, dm LL.
