Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Thunder Lightning Eschaton


Thunder roars and rumbles across the sky and lightning sears and cracks the heavens as rain lashes down with elemental fury. Yes, this is Texas, and the days of our small rural farming community may be numbered as assorted trash, needles, broken shoes, dime bags and weaves wash away in the flood.

A cleansing, perhaps. But on a practical note, as you look up from weapons cleaning, polishing Sam Brownes and ironing uniforms, it's said that enough rain falls in Texas to keep your compound irrigated throughout the year, if you collect the rain.

We have yet to build a cistern(s) and that's clearly overdue. You see, when the grid goes down how will you get lifegiving water to your home via electric pumps which don't work? 

You get the point. In the meanwhile, we're watching this storm in all its incandescent fury.




  1. Weld County, CO is the #2 county in the USA for tornadoes. We have had one yesterday and again today. Usually ours are no more than F-2 and a quarter mile wide.

  2. Love the video LSP. The music was different.

  3. Be careful out there, WSF.

    We get tornadoes too but our town's been pretty much spared since I've been here, a little further south/west not so much.

  4. I shot that at the end of a fishing expedition a few years ago, what a dramatic end to a good day's bass catching (there were huge bass in that body of water). And hey, let's hear it for a quick blast of early '70s space rock. Well, it seemed to fit the storm.

  5. Reminds me of:

  6. Well that was awesome, Wild. A request?

  7. Rev, anything with Steve Cropper and Donald "Duck" Dunn is worth a listen, but I'm a little fonder of the versions by Johnny Cash or The Outlaws. Unfortunately, couldn't find imagery of those versions that showed storms, which seemed to be called for, so....
