Monday, April 24, 2023

The Purge!


Wow, Tucker's out at Fox and now there's absolutely no reason, at all, to watch this risible excuse of a news channel.  Well done, Fox, you pulled a Bud Lite. Here's a helpful infovid:

In other news, someone called "Don Lemon" has been axed at CNN. I don't know who this Lemon is but apparently he's "stunned." 




  1. Not surprised about FOX news. They've been getting more liberal. If I still had cable the only thing I'd be interested in now is Gutfeld..

    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. This should be interesting once the 'reasons' get out...

  3. Fox just committed harikiri, going woke makes ya broke. Listened to the entire The Five show just to see…ZERO mention, business as usual except internal “breaking news” is disallowed. Bums…all of them. Sayonara…just freed up and hour of my evening.

    As for Lemon, The Left is always stunned when truth comes around to bite them, tone deafness and living inside a protective bubble will do that to a person. But hey, Fox has an an evening slot opening.

  4. Tucker hit it out of the park very night!

  5. Since I don't own a television I've never watched his show. Seems the politicos weren't pleased with the American Mainstream Maggots (h/tBZ) allowing truth to disrupt the narrative.

  6. Totally agree, Linda.

    I haven't watched regular TV in years but liked what Tucker had to offer.

  7. Right on, NFO. Let's see where he goes.

  8. Paul, I'm amazed he lasted as long as he did.

    Yet another nail in the coffin of our, ahem, free press.

  9. I thought he was great, Anon.

  10. Sure looks that way, WSF.

    I don't watch TV either, but I'd pull Tucker off the internet. Value.

  11. Wherever Tucker ends up, I hope he takes Gutfeld with him. Elon, call your office.

  12. "Budlight" is now a verb.
