Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Center Cannot Hold


Imagine, if you can, the field of ruins stretching out from the Palatine Hill in Rome around the middle of the 7th century A.D. It was a city which had declined from over a million inhabitants to less than 30,000 persons in something like 150 years, maybe less.

The center, my friends, of the mighty Western Roman Empire most certainly didn't hold. Why? For many reasons, not least an increasing rottenness of currency manifesting in huge inflation and the ineluctable transfer of power to major landowners.

Put simply, a very few very wealthy people controlled everything and with that the state, Res Publica, was fractured. To put it another way, the center was bust. Fast forward to today. Here we are in the midst of American Imperium and guess what?

Our money's worthless, it's a note of debt at interest which can never be repaid, ever. And as it was in the days of ancient Rome, more and more power subsumes into the hands of a very few select men. You'll notice our ongoing presidential contest is an affair of wealthy plutocrats jousting for position. 

We have, if you care to step back and reflect, already Balkanized, and the process will continue; the center has not held and the Beast slouches towards Nazareth in all its degeneracy. Our task, gentle readers, is to stand steady and keep the Faith.

Your Old Friend,



  1. The last several years have clarified and strengthened my faith in Christ by several orders of magnitude.

    Somebody has to have the courage to stand up to the elite, and say "ENOUGH!". And when we find such a man, or he's "sent" to us, I feel a moral obligation to support him.

    I think this fight may approach epic, nay, BIBLICAL, proportions.

    Armageddon? The Second Coming? I don't know; I'm not a Theologian. I'm just an old guy who's seen a lot and learned a lot. I do know this seems like a prelude to something, and this calm before the storm is a very good time to try and get right with God.

  2. Parson, as always I appreciate your thoughts. As a free Texan, and one of the center, I will not yield to the depravity of the very few and very rich that wish to subjugate me and my God fearing, hardworking, patriotic, kith and kin.
    I reflect daily that our wannabe overlords will die someday, as will I, and their bones will rot as their souls stand before the judgement seat of Christ.
    They think they will escape judgement, but they will not. I’m a sinner for sure, and I repent daily and pray for mercy, but I have no sympathy for those who mock God, and it’s going to be a surprise for them that do when they wake up in hell with the devil saying “welcome home to a place where anguish does not wane and the worm does not die”.
    I will not bow to their godless edicts, I will not take the mark, I will not take the shot, and I will not shirk the blessings that our everlasting God has bestowed upon me and my family. I will die, yes, but it will be as a free man, and if the Lord wills that I send some of the godless heathens to their eternal reward, I will die a happy man.
    Stay the faith brother, we know how the story ends.

  3. +2 @ drjim. And +1 for Horatius, even at my age.

  4. Meanwhile, back at the White Ice Cream Parlor House, p-Resident Joe has announced that the shameful cluster-foxtrot of a withdrawal from Afghanistan that he himself ordered was in fact Trump's fault.

  5. Well said, LL. And my, we could sure do with some good news.

  6. I totally agree, drjim, Eschaton's in the air as evil accelerates. Stand firm.

  7. Anon, further to your thoughts: Satan has a curious way of overplaying his hand and his recruits aren't exactly high quality, to put it mildly. I take heart from that. And yes, we know how it ends.

  8. @drjim, Beautifully stated. When the times try men's souls where do we turn? To God through Christ's sacrifice for all humanity and His resurrection. Starts in the heart.

  9. I'd say drjim's right on target, RHT.

  10. I saw, Wild. What an utterly fraudulent old crook. And the ice cream schtick's annoying too.
