Friday, April 7, 2023

Just Be The First


The first in what, devil take your eyes, you splutter furiously into brandy and soda, all hail clubland and see you all at #1. And in answer, the first in aghast redpilled wonder as you see through the corrupt malfeasance of our risible charade of a republic, much less democracy.

Let's have a look at our beloved overlord rulers, starting with Stacey. Here she is, in all her body positive glory. Beautiful, isn't it. 

Then there's our beloved Ice Cream Guy. Please, someone, fire the marketeers. I mean for goodness sake, look at that rich old fraud shoveling down ice cream as though he liked it, because man of the people. FFS, how stoopid.

You Wicked Old fraud

But don't forget Skinwalker Kamala, she's hot to trot, no doubt about it. But maybe you don't incel want me, Vice President. Note emph on vice. Her pronouns are:


Cackling dumbass. So there it is, a compendium of Fed Stasi FBI watchwords, they call it a "glossary," a  4 a.m. door beat down, trigger warnings if you will. We must thank Rainbow Gaia we live in a free country.

That in mind, just be the first redpilled Stacey to call it out.

Thanks for the glossary, LL,



  1. Camela is a beat from a weak heart from being the leader of the free world. How woke.

  2. Gave me a chuckle, Parson. Thank you.
    You all be safe and God bless.
    And a blessed Easter to you all, too.

  3. LL, I wish I could say the situation's getting better but it really, really isn't. But evil thrashes hardest at the point of defeat, I take heart from that.

  4. Glad for the chuckle, Linda!

    Every blessing for Easter.
