Thursday, April 20, 2023

Climate Chage Eschaton


Wow. Thunder rolled across the sky and lightning flashed like so many ME 262s going down over Stuttgart. Yes, it was a Thursday evening Mass at Our Lady of the Lake.  Question.

If you believe Christ is truly present in the Sacrifice of the Mass, if he's really there and you get to enter into communion with him, with God, at the Eucharist, why do you not attend? 

Surely not because you don't believe and the Faith is an adjunct to what really concerns you, ie making money and serving Satan.

Your Old Pal,


PS. Just a thought and a welcome opportunity to post pics of the amazingly cool ME 262.


  1. Good point Padre. The top photo got me to look up to see if any of the Me-262's are flyable. Some nice videos out there.

  2. Right on, DOS, and to be honest... this engaging post was an excuse to post photos of the awesome ME 262 :)
