Thursday, March 30, 2023

Here We Go Now


Here we go now, looks like President Trump's been indicted.

Does that make him the undisputed warlord of Manhattan?

More seriously, will it, they/them be brought to justice? Don't hold your breath.

Your Old Pal,



  1. It's a sad day. A Rubicon has been crossed. America is finished. I see nothing good coming from this. The Democrats seem intent on stoking a hot civil war. They may get their wish. They are doing this because they believe they will win. That's the trouble with people who start wars: They always assume they will win.

  2. What unfolding disasters are we to be distracted from by this move?

    Cliche. New York State chief judge Sol Wachtler said that “a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that's what you wanted".

  3. Welp, WSF, the Noo Yawk D-A is a pig, so......

  4. Mr. WSF, what's the difference between Hillary and a Ham Sandwich? You can indict a ham sandwich.

  5. I've always loved the Island, Wild, but maybe that's a mistake.
