Sunday, January 29, 2023

London Cryptids - The Mullally


London, England, is home to many mysterious creatures unacknowledged by conventional science,  such as Springheel Jack, the Highgate Vampire, the Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square, the River Thames Monster and the Mullally.

The Mullally is reportedly a shortsighted half-man, half-woman and manifests itself as an Anglican bishop figure, terrifying onlookers with sexual innuendo and fearsome teeth. Colloquially known as "Bishop of London," the Mullally attempts to hypnotize its hearers with dysphoric doublethink.

"It's just plain ugly," said one clergyman on condition of anonymity. However, the Justsin Welby, another famous London cryptid, disagreed, “I will be extremely joyfully celebratory of these new [gay prayers of gay blessing]." Much like the Mullally, the Justsin Welby instantiates as a bishop figure but witnesses report it will not perform gay blessings out of concern for "pastoral care." 

Scientific consensus rules against sightings of cryptids like the Mullally and the Welby, "They're just fevered products of overheated imagination, not bishops at all," stated a former member of the Church of England's Catholic Group.

Here at the Compound we're inclined to agree with the skeptics.

That is all,



  1. Ah yes, the Church of the Flamboyant. Well, they've got some 'splaining to do coming to them.

  2. Interesting... Seems like EVERY religion is having to deal with these issues in different ways.

  3. Western Civilization (the W.C. for short) has taken the taxi zum klo (film 1981) with the blessing of the AboC. I don't know which is worse, watching "On the Beach (1959), a Doctor Who episode about a monster in the Thames, or the CofE racing to Gomorrah.

  4. I agree with Wild. They will be explaining.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. thanks LSP, another nail in the coffin of Anglicanism

  6. Not seeing much of God's spiritual joy on those faces. Pharisees/Brood of Vipers for certain.

  7. You haven't been blogging for a while. I wonder if she captured you and you're tied up in her basement somewhere...
