Saturday, January 14, 2023



Imagine if a vaccine you gladly took to give you immunity to a disease with a what, 0.01% fatality rate, didn't actually give you immunity to the not-so-deadly disease. And you justified this in your mind because Science. Smart or what.

Which fabled cleverness told you, yes, you can get the disease even though you're vaxxed, but it won't be fatal. Because vax immunity isn't a vax but it is a vax and the vaxxed will live and somehow protect other vaxxed people, because Science. 

Weird, isn't it, how scientific goal posts keep changing on this, to say nothing of what spike proteins do to your body. Whatever.

And right, it's all academic and pub friendly until your kid or your pal gets myocarditis or a stroke from the universal salvation vax. Then maybe you start to wonder. I mean as if, Big Pharma putting profit before people? 

Surely not and how totally absurd. Perhaps you've forgotten Thalidomide in your rush to embrace Government and its lab coated satrapy as your friend.

Stay safe,



  1. One shot of J&J and no more. And I thought I was the only one to remember the thalidomide babies.

  2. That was a really hideous thing, glasslass, and I don't remember if anyone was ever brought to justice.

    No vax here, though pretty much all my family have had it in one form or another, and they're all ok. Thank God. Some aren't so fortunate though, see excess mortality stats, especially among young athletes.

  3. AND none of them can be sued... Grrr...

  4. Ah, not so fast, NFO.

    If actuaries can produce evidence of fraud in, say, non-existent testing, then they can. But, beyond that, is this an impregnable DOD thing? Hmmmmm.

  5. As Claude Raines said in Casablanca: "I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you."

  6. Well yes, Infidel. Utterly. Shocked.

    Wanna meet up at the Yale Club? Don't worry, I'll do an exorcism pre-entry.

  7. The Yale Club? But I'm a Harvard man. What? These are the jokes people. Ah yes the Yale club. Private and restricted to alumni of Yale.

    I'm thinking of starting a SUNY Oswego club. Private and restricted to alumni of the State University of New York at Oswego. But we will let anyone in if they bring Molsons or Bradors.
