Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Aaaand It's Gone


What's gone? Oh, just the super critical life saving vax mandate for members of our Armed Forces. And that's really weird. Just a few weeks ago you had to get the vax if you were serving because otherwise you'd die from Covid and "operational preparedness" would be ruined.

Uh huh. I won't bang on but what an utter crock. Too bad for you if you were one of the over 8000 troops who were axed on the altar of political profit expediency. Will they be reinstated? Don't hold your breath but who knows, maybe these vax criminals will be called up to defend our beloved leaders in a general draft.

you filthy mountebank

I mean for goodness sake, it's all hands on deck when it comes to defending money laundering in Eastern Europe and 10% to the Big Guy. By the way, my eldest nearly died from the J&J jab in Korea, not kidding.

Yours disgustedly,



  1. After the way they were treated the unvaxxed that were forced out of the service probably don't want to come back. Well unless they were close to retirement. Loyalty and fidelity are two-way streets and the government of the US has shown it it not very honorable.

    On a more important note I truly hope your son suffers no long term ill effects from being vaccinated.

  2. One of my oldest friends had his sister die from the jab. Fortunately my wife and I had no bad side effects. But this shot is experimental and people are dying from it. But....as long as the drug companies make money and the big man gets his ten percent I guess all will be okay.

  3. You are absolutely right LSP.
    Sorry to hear about your son getting sick from the jab. They are now putting their poisons in the latest flu jabs also, I believe!

  4. Yep, one of my nephews was discharged from the USN, just under three years from retirement at a petty officer. What I want to know is, what's changed now from, oh let's say, 3 months ago before the election?

  5. Thanks for that, Ed. He seems to be ok and I'm glad it was the J&J thing instead of the other experimental jabs, orchestrated and rolled out by the DOD, evidently.

    That in mind, you'd think the DOD wouldn't want to kill off its soldiers and, for that matter, that Big Pharma wouldn't want to kill off its customer base. Maybe there's hope in that.

  6. Really sorry to hear that, Infidel, but glad you're both ok. I haven't had it and don't intend to.

    Yes. All hail our Beloved Leader. 10% is but a token recompense for his selfless sacrifice on behalf of our nation and its people.

  7. Exactly, DOS. And sorry to hear that, scandalous.
