Friday, December 23, 2022

What Happens When...

You don't pay the Army, in this case the National Guard. Do you think the unpaid soldiers will be eager to enforce the orders and commands of their DC rulers? Of course they will, they'll be leaping over the top of their unpaid dugouts to do the bidding of their beloved elite leaders.

I know it's really strange, but not getting paid over Christmas for duty done has an effect on morale. Via the Post Millenial:

And again:

Imagine, there you are, a few days from Christmas and looking forward to your Guard/Reserve paycheck and guess what? Doesn't arrive. Instead, the Ukrainian money laundering operation gets $45 billion. I mean to say, why pay our troops when we can pay ourselves?

So back to what happens when you can't pay the Army, in this case the Guard but over the horizon, regulars. Do you think, for example, that III Corps at Fort Hood will just sit under a rainbow flag and take it while snacking on tofu? Bear this in mind, they have all the guns.

Word to the wise,



  1. I bet the congressional paychecks come in on time.

  2. This had some ugly ramifications... REALLY ugly...

  3. Merry Christmas. And if the Army gets off their butts and defend the Constitution, A Happy New Year!

  4. I bet the Big Guy's 10% comes in on time, too, Jim.

    That's just despicable.

    Old marching song, goes something like this:

    They say that in the army, the pay is mighty fine.
    They give you fifty dollars, and take back forty-nine.
    Oh Lord, I wanna go, but they won't let me go,

  5. The warmth that will come with the knowledge that the Ukrainian military won't miss a paycheck should sustain them.

  6. LL, that's the beauty of it. You can almost feel the surge of patriotic pride as our young soldiers sacrifice their paychecks for the Ukrainian military and our beloved rulers.

  7. They're not too happy by all accounts, Wild.

    But at least our rulers get paid on time, and then some.

  8. Merry Christmas, Ed! And yes indeed. Everything's in... flux, eh?

  9. I can imagine, NFO. What a bad look, to put it mildly.

  10. Jim, are you somehow criticizing our beloved elite rulers?
