Saturday, December 31, 2022

Shrines on New Years Eve


After reading LL's reflection on Guan Gong, it struck me that 1: I do not have a shrine or even a statue of the Chinese God of War but 2: I do have a shrine. It's just above my desk, aka "kitchen counter" and consists of a flag, crucifix and an Our Lady of Walsingham prayer card.

Not very warlike perhaps but appropriate for a padre, I think. That said, pistols, kukris, assorted bay'nets and knives have been known to find their way onto the multifunctional worksurface of the office, ahem, kitchen.


Speaking of which, many clergy keep something called "office hours." Off they drive to their churches, sit at a desk from 9-5 and then go home to their place in the suburbs. Almost as though they've taken "middle management" as some kind of beastly model or paradigm for ministry.

Never done such a thing, with one notable exception I've always lived next to the church. On the job which isn't a job but a way of life. That this has been in rural Texas for over a decade is providential, God has been very kind.

Just some trucks

This in mind, may He give us all every blessing from the beyond reckoning abundance of His grace in the coming year. More on that later, in the meanwhile, happy, almost, New Year. And pray for the repose of the soul of Benedict XVI, an exemplary servant of God.

Your Old Pal,



  1. It's been said that a good cop lives on his beat and a good salesman knows his territory. What you're doing falls right in line with that, I think, or ahead somewhat. Good job, sir.

  2. Here's hoping this year is a better one for you and yours.

  3. Well said, and Happy New Year to you and yours and best wishes for 2023!

  4. "Well done, good and faithful servant, because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."

    May the souls of Benedict XVI and all of the faithful departed rest in peace.

    I see that Barbara Walters also passed away. I know who I would rather be, appearing before the Great Judge.

    A Happy and blessed New Year to you and yours LSP!

  5. What a blessing it has been to find your blog! I will double my black-eyed pea consumption today to keep it coming.
    God Bless the work you do and share

  6. Thanks for that, Wild, I appreciate it.

  7. Thanks, Jim. Let's pray it is for all of us. Saying that, 2022 was a good year for me on a personal level, so I can't grumble about that.

  8. Yes indeed, DOS. He was... just outstanding.

    RIP, good and faithful servant.

    And Happy New Year!

  9. Thank you LB! God bless you too, and enjoy those black-eyed peas. Venison here, tasty.
