Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Drag Queen Story Hour Satan


So what's driving this craze that's sweeping the nation like wildfire, you know, hauling your kids off to watch drag queens get lewd and tell stories? Because that's so helpful to children. What kind of parent would do that? 

To put it another way, what kind of money would be paying for it, and you know it's not a grass roots movement. Don't say Pritzker or Satan.

These people hate the family, children, women and life itself. They're demonic nihilists, but perhaps you doubt me.

I rest my case,



  1. Freakshow...God weeps at what His unique creations do to themselves.

  2. Getting to be more and more like "The Wicker Man", eh, Parson? This goes far beyond mere paganism.......

  3. That parents would feed their children to such creatures comes as no surprise in a society where child sacrifice in the form of abortion is worshipped.

  4. This is Sodom & Gomorrah part 2, only worse. God help us all when He decides He has had enough of this evil!

  5. Who sees that and says, "LET ME JOIN UP!?"

  6. It's hard to know what to say about things like this. Do you remember all of those 'crack babies' and 'latchkey kids' of the 80s and 90s? All of the warnings we had back then about the breakdown of the family and dumbing-down of the schools? They've grown up now and this is the result. "Conservatives" were saying back then that 'we can't win on cultural issues' and focused on winning wars for Wall Street and building the Surveillance State and the Prison-Industrial Complex---now all of those oligarchies they created are 'woke' and funding these spectacles for their own profit.

  7. It sure does, drjim, I'd say it's demonic.

  8. Once that gets a pass, pewster, everything's on the table.

  9. Great, Anon, will be the fall of it.

  10. I totally agree, Nightwind. And wickedness plumbs new lows. Are people recognizing the satanic, corrupt, black heart of it all? Maybe.

    For what it's worth, I feel we need a miracle, that and USGOV finding itself unable to pay the Army.

  11. Careful there with the noticing. Do you want to be known as an anti-Pritzkerite?
    Jennifer is The Real Victim here, and don’t you forget it.

  12. Mike, thank you, I'll report myself. Immediately.
