Friday, December 16, 2022

And The Show Goes On!


Not content with revealing FBI/Intel agency skulduggery at Twitter and bashing the hated Fauci, Elon went on a tear last night and suspended a slew of Deep State bought and paid for propagandist shills journalists from the influential platform. Here's a few:

1.New York Times technology reporter Ryan Mac

2. Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell

3. Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann

4. Former Vox reporter Aaron Rupar

5. CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan

6. Mashable’s Matt Binder

Oh dear, what a total tragedy. But why the suspension? For allegedly doxxing Elon and his family, though maybe too for obnoxious, condescending, deceitful, biased, pugnacious, hypocritical smuggery. Either way, leftist heads are exploding all over the universe and we have to ask, don't they like their own medicine?

This humble mind blog remains permanently banned from Twister. I regard that as a badge of honor.

To the Emperor,



  1. I'm starting to like Elon Musk. LSP, I'm curious what got you banned from the twit place! ☺

    1. Sorry, I've changed my mind about liking Musk, he has already unbanned the liberal journalists he just banned!

  2. All those woke employees are soon to be introduced to my late father's, "Belly flapping principal".

  3. I can't do Twister, either. But I've never done Twitter.
    Thanks for filling me in, Parson. I wondered what all the hoopla was about.
    You all be safe and God bless.


  4. I shudder to think what must have happened to Olbermann as a child to make him so relentlessly hateful.
