Monday, November 28, 2022

They're Not Even Bothering To Hide


We all know about Balenciaga's bondage bear devilry but the plot thickens to Fashion IT girl, Lotta Volkova, Russian born super stylist to the hyper rich, #BillSoc industry and Balenciaga associate. Here she is.

In case we didn't get the picture, Vogue's Spring Accessories 2021 provides some context, a demon.

And check out America's top celebrity art witch and friend of the Podestas on the cover of Ukrainian Vogue. Don't say Spirit Cooking.

Point being? I'm no prude, but there is dark, satanic evil in high places and it's not even bothering, at this point, to hide. Have a look online if you like, I couldn't post the grosser images, especially the ones involving children. But maybe you're not convinced? I'll leave you with Lotta itself.

You see, it's all fun and ironic art games 'til you look up and your possessed pal's eating a baby's forearm.

Defende Nos,



  1. Definitely enough to make you wonder!

  2. My framework and existence are a long way from Canadian child euthanizers, and fashion industry devil worship. In fact, it's so far that I have a very difficult time processing its appeal.

  3. Well, alrighty then. Onward to the Apocalypse, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

    In other kinda-sorta related news, it appears that p-RESIDENT Brandon's gender-fluid, trans puppy-playing Nuke Czar Sam Brinton recently got his/her/its "they/them" pronouns seriously confused with somebody else's "her's/their's" personal property rights and stands accused of the felony level theft of another person's bag from the airport luggage carousel. I thank the Good Lord for not giving me the imagination capable of making something like that up. Or the theft either, for that matter.

  4. Some people need to get out of the bubble more, or be put out. Maybe defenestrated through the Overton Window.

  5. Well, they've been coming out in the open for awhile. Remember this one?

    Thinking back a little further, there were actual investigations going on as late as the 1990s (we still had investigative journalists back then) about alleged Satanic activities in such high places but were laughed at by the Corporate Media. Now they're trotting out Satanism as chic and acceptable---the same strategy that worked before with 'normalizing' homo-ism.

  6. When the wealthy get bored this is what happens...turning to Satan for excitement in their otherwise mundane lives of lunches, celeb parties, and trips to the special places they have taken over as locusts with money.

    As I pray and observe the goings on, and sensing the Holy Spirit niggling the brain, it is becoming obvious that Satan is more on the move than ever before...and some people like it.

  7. @WWW - I am an unabashed Boy Scout in such matters...not stupid, just prefer to keep that crap out of my brain despite it being pushed front and center every waking minute. Watching a Hallmark - supposedly easy-peasy cheasy decompress entertainment movie the other night, Christmas in Montana. Okay, how bad could it be, had Lindsay Wagner in it as the matriarch. Ten minutes in, despite veiling it at first, drawing you into the predictable storyline, we determine that half the players were homosexuals and the two main characters were apparently going to hookup as the gal version of Brokeback Mountain. Gag.

    This Brinton guy is such a tortured soul he has no clue how much help he needs, from God first.

  8. Parson, do you believe the end is near? This is Sodom & Gomorrah on speed! God must be very patient.!

  9. Most definitely, NFO. Eyes Wide Shut ain't in it.

  10. Same here, LL. It's mighty wicked though, I will say that.

  11. I saw that, Wild. Freak got a felony.

    Like... what?!?

    It's as if they're larping Lewis' Hideous Strength/Abolition of Man.

  12. Excellent short piece, Nightwind, and well said.

    That in mind, let's see some more smoking guns -- do you remember the photo of GW and Michelle on a yacht, with Abramovic in the background shadows, smirking?

    You get the point.

  13. I'd say you're once again right on target, Paul.

  14. And Paul, I... VERY rarely watch TV.

  15. Anon, no one knows the day or the hour. That said, with each passing moment we get closer to the Easchaton and the culmination of evil and its defeat. The latter's very self-apparent.
