Wednesday, November 16, 2022



You no sooner attempt to step away from the news cycle to concentrate on producing an overdue magazine than boom, everything goes rodeo.

Governor Abbott invokes Texas' Invasion Clause, authorizing exceptional measures to stem the flood of migrants into the state, some 1.26 million in 2022 alone. Abbott intends to:

Deploy the National Guard to safeguard the border, and to repel and turn back immigrants trying to cross the border illegally

Deploy the Texas Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) to arrest and return immigrants to the border who crossed illegally, and to arrest illegal immigrants for criminal activity;

Build a wall in multiple counties on the border;

Deploy gun boats;

Designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations;

Enter into a compact with other states to secure the border;

Enter into agreements with foreign powers to enhance border security;

Provide resources for border counties to increase their efforts to respond to the “border invasion.”

Quite a thing, to put it mildly, and that's not all. According to AP, a Russian missile/s(?) hit a farm in Poland, causing outraged cries for NATO heads to call an Article 4 meeting, frontrunners to suggest Article 5 and, well, war with Russia. No, not the proxy one we're fighting now but the real deal and all that goes with it. Huh, World War III. We can imagine the overworked DIs at Benning working 'round the clock to learn their intakes' pronouns.

But the next Big One's averted for now, thank God. Turns out the missile in question was a Ukrainian S 300 which went astray trying to take out a flying Russkie adversary. AP walked back the story and Biden confirmed the new narrative, much to Zelensky's discomfort. In fairness to the Ukraine's diminutive if coke fueled President, the most popular Ruler of America ever, Old Joe, must be a difficult paymaster. 

And then, just as you're recovering from the news that Armageddon isn't quite yet, 45 announces a bid for the White House in 2024. Will he be defeated by JEB! in the most insanely vicious revenge arc ever? 

That, along with everything else, remains to be seen. In other positive news, Nancy Pelosi's finally fired...

Saints preserve us,



  1. But is WW3 a bug or a feature? The West is the heir of Rome, and Rome is (either codedly, or actually descended from) Edom. The Best People will not come into their own until Edom is destroyed. So nuclear conflagration is a Good Thing.

    Yeah that sounds nutty, but when you have paranoid, narcissistic, high-IQ persons contemplating how the universe has crapped on them for millennia, for absolutely no reason at all, you get some goofy beliefs. A pity, that. Obviously intelligence is not an unalloyed good: Stupider people would have gotten bored and gone out looking for booze, pot, and sex long before they came up with such claptrap.


  2. And the hits just keep on comin'. As noted, watch to the end as J.T. runs for cover. And watch Xi Jinping's face. He's pissed.

  3. Mitch McConnell as speaker of the house?

    Yes, it's been quite a week and it isn't even Friday yet.

    1. Sorry about that, typo deleted! And right, what a week.

  4. Mitch did not take the House leadership job but remained as senate leader

  5. Trump will not win in 2024. Even if inflation and unemployment are at 20 percent and gas is over ten dollars a gallon. The Deep State will make sure President Biden will be re-elected.

    Besides, never underestimate the damage upper middle class white woman can do. They all hate Trump and will vote abortion today, abortion tomorrow, abortion forever.

  6. “Obama: It was You.”
    * It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner – “I am one of you.”
    * It was you who on ABC News referenced – “My Muslim faith.”
    * It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.

    * It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict- “I will stand with the Muslims.”
    * It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Muslim.”
    * It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
    * It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning America and professing Marxism.
    * It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
    * It was you who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator ” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of
    * It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Qur’an.
    * It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.
    * It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
    * It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House
    * It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested the mosques you have visited to adjust their decor.
    * It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
    * It was you who appointed rabid Islamist's to Homeland Security.
    * It was you who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” was an outreach to Muslim communities.
    * It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
    * It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the White House, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the White House tree.
    * It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
    * It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
    * It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
    * It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
    * It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
    * It was you who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
    * It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help “empower” the British Muslim community.
    * It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
    * It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
    * It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal White House religious events.

    And it was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Yes, It was you who said ALL those things, as well as being Joe Biden’s Puppet Master for the past 2 years.

  7. Good commentary, LSP.
    GOD Bless Texas, at least they're trying. And Trump

  8. IMHO, I'm not a fan of the Magic O.

  9. But Infidel, let's not forget JEB!

  10. Man, I come back from being out with food poisoning for a couple days to find this: What jackass masquerading as an elephant thought War Turtle Mitch as Speaker was a good idea? I smell a Bush or a Cheney behind this.

  11. Food poisoning's a beast, Wild! As for the War Turtle... Good Lord.
