Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Red Wave? Red Drizzle


Wow, remember the Red Wave? You know, the GOP tsunami that was going to sweep the commies outta the House and into the rainbow glitter gutter? Sure you do and words fail at the actual result; a miserable, pathetic, vapid red drizzle. So what went wrong?

I'll leave you, the experts, to answer that one but I will say this. The Mid Term Fiasco (MTF) will embolden the Unicorn and its handlers, so expect, in no particular order, moar Drag Queen Story Hour, moar War, moar partial birth abortion, moar asset-stripping, moar inflation and moar debt. That'll end real well, but at least bathrooms won't be binary.

And guess what. If you, the serf, dares to object to the multi-hued Elysian Field expect a friendly knock on the door at 4 am. Because, obviously, speaking out against our beloved Uniparty rulers isn't free speech, it's hate speech, and deserves to be punished in the name of our great democracy.

Sorry, constitutional republic. Speaking of which, I asked a pol phil prof at Baylor, "Have we become a banana republic?" He replied, sharp as a tack, "Oh no, we're hardly a republic, more a banana, surely." Quite.

Smart people are cleaning weapons, loading mags and throwing last year's furniture on the fire.




  1. Ain't there a statement along the lines of A nation that forgets God will be turned into Hell?
    or the wicked will act wickedly, or to be given over to a depraved mind or have been given a spirit of distortion or confusion. But in truth confession of secret sins and with a heart of repentance may some if only a few make the narrow path.

  2. It looks as if some real work is being done at the compound. I could do it here in the freezing sleet, propelled by a 65 mph wind. I could, but it is unlikely that I will. As to the midterms - don't let any of that red tide splash up to your ankles.

  3. We are in for it, aren't we? Sixty five million abortions in 50 years. Who knew women would embrace killing their children with such gusto and enthusiasm.

    Certainly a country that tolerates this is in for a rough haul. If we had a civil war over slavery, what is in store for us over abortion? The corrupt non-elections are only a symptom.

  4. I just hope that ridiculous energy prices, runaway stagflation and blatant corruption isn't considered a reasonable price to be able to murder babies at will.

  5. Wrong shovel for cleaning up the aftermath of a boating accident, wot?

  6. They follow their damnable path, Ok


  7. Yes, LL, wechad a real work day(s).

    Those boys work hard, I tell you.

  8. Infidel, there will be a reckoning.

    And great will be the fall of it.
