Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pictures of War


And more

Verdun on left

The people driving this slaughter deserve the greatest penalty. UKR forces at Bakhmut have, apparently, been given several hours to surrender by end of play tomorrow.

That would be the first Sunday of Advent. Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy. And as we pray this, pray too that we don't descend into the same hell. I mean that most seriously.




  1. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the anti-war left becomes so pro-war when a Democrat is in the White House. Just a coincidence. Anything else would make one a cynic.

  2. All's quiet on the Ukrainian front. History repeats.

  3. From the link: “the American ambition to maintain a unipolar world in which they were the sole polar power”

    “American”. The original American vision was to avoid foreign entanglements, and to eschew Empire. Domination of the world is someone else’s dream. But we no longer live in an American nation, nor even a Western nation. The US is the piggy bank/printing press, and attack dog, of a small group of very nasty people who see themselves as separate from us subhuman Americans (much less grunting, squatting sub-subhuman Slavs). It’s the “zombie ant fungus” problem on a global scale.


    Ophiocordyceps unilateralis

  4. They're sure needed right about now, NFO.

  5. Mike, I generally scorn the appalling Atlantic but that was a neat article. Good call.

  6. Just hideous, LL. I won't comment further.

  7. What a strange coincidence, Infidel. Do you remember when the Left was against war?

  8. Dear Lord Jesus, Come Soon and put an end to this evil and insanity!
