Friday, November 4, 2022

Marking Time

Marking time, mark time.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Who else here remembers the Yellow Bird marching song from their misspent youth?

  2. Pretty little birdy with a yellow bill,
    Perched outside my windowsill,
    Coaxed him in with some crumbs of bread,
    Then I crushed his little head.

    Is that the one you're referring to?

  3. Pretty little birdy with a yellow bill,
    Perched outside my windowsill,
    Coaxed him in with some crumbs of bread,
    Then I crushed his little head.

    Is that the one you're referring to?

  4. Flying over Moscow in the middle of the night,
    Twenty-five grand above the city lights,
    Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door,
    Jump right out and yell, I want more!

    If that chute don't open wide,
    I've got a reserve by my side,
    If that one should fail me too,
    Look out boys, I'm commin' through!

  5. Yuppers. There were variations. The one I learned first was:

    A yellow bird, with a golden bill
    He perched upon, my windowsill.
    I lured him in, with a crust of bread.
    And then I smashed his (edited) head.

  6. Mr. Wolf, I liked that comment so much I ran it thrice. And I remember singing something like that, years ago in my warlike youth!

  7. Hmmmm, Wild, I seem to recall that version.
