Monday, November 21, 2022

At Last You're Fired

It took a while, some would say too long, but at last Alberta's hated Chief Medical Officer Deenah Hinshaw has been fired. Hinshaw was notorious for recommending policies which shut down schools and churches, to say nothing of draconian vaccine mandates. Those who didn't comply were fined, arrested or fired.

Hinshaw's well deserved axing came as Alberta's new Premier Danielle Smith made good on election promises to purge the province's self-serving, dictatorial Health Services (AHS) quango. Smith's kept her pledge by firing the entire AHS Board along with the repellently smug leftist Hinshaw. The eleven person board's been replaced with one man, Dr. John Cowell.

In an open letter, one of the terminated board members Tony Dagnone accused Smith of being "against science" and "unhinged" accusing her of acting "under the guise of freedom." Via AlbertaPrimeNews:

"The current premier defies all those aspirations as she spews wacko accusations at Alberta Health Services and its valued workforce," he wrote. 

The premier has chosen to "play to her misguided followers who rant against science and academic medicine under the veiled guise of freedom," Dagnone said in the letter. 

“Her warped stance on COVID, which I remind the premier was and is a public health issue not a political punching bag, is nothing short of borderline dereliction when the lives of AHS staff and Albertans are at stake," Dagnone wrote.

“In light of her unhinged public pronouncements, the premier represents the bleakest of role models for women who aspire to be accepted in positions of influence and leadership.

What can we say. Spews wacko accusations, warped science, unhinged, bleakest of role models, dereliction? Tony, Hinshaw and the rest of you, if the hat fits. And think yourselves lucky while you're at it. In the meanwhile, the increasingly popular rulership of the United States persists in faux Covid emergency, one of the last countries in the world to do so. 

Make of this, gentle readers, what you will.

Drinks at Ranchmen's all 'round,



  1. I’m sorry…but just…no. She looks like her warped mentality. Matt 23:26.

  2. Well said
    And thanks

  3. God Bless Alberta, keep up the good work.

  4. But what are her preferred pronouns? We can't make an informed decision about this without knowing her preferred pronouns!

  5. @WWW, How about a new 'pronoun':"IHM" (I Hate Myself...because some white birthing doctor "assigned" me as female.)

    Why do these types always look like this? Have they no self respect? (Not really questions)

  6. There is none so blind, and etc. An affliction found in many persons appointed over us.

  7. She fits the mold of the ugly liberal woman who spends 30 seconds on hygiene in the am.

    Well, one down.. or 11 down. Hope she didn't have a golden parachute but probably does.
    People like her and Tony ought to be hanging from trees.

  8. Good luck and God bless Alberta.

  9. Paul M has hit the mark, straight on and without deflection.

  10. They've been doing well lately, Anon. Feel sorry for Jason Kenny though, not that I'm an expert.

  11. Wild, I feel Paul's suggestion's right in the X Ring.

  12. Paul, Deenah's a special kind of smug, eh?

  13. At last this particularly noxious crew's been fired, Sgt.

  14. Kid, it's only eleven but it's a start. Ontario? They're still running with the BS.

  15. Right there in the bull, Wild.
