Monday, October 31, 2022



It's Halloween and hence Fright Night, that night of the year when youngsters go out looking for treats, dressed as demons. Let's hope they don't go online and find super scary multi-millionaire socialist Madonna. Here she is:

What can we say, scary is as scary does? 

Nasty Scary

Cheese slides off cracker fearsome

Mind how you go, gentle readers, and be careful on this scariest night, the Eve of All Saints. Together we will survive this. By the way, look up #witchtiktok and ask yourself, "Is it all a larf until you wake up and find a demon gnawing on your thigh?"



  1. Thank you for the timely suggestion but that's a big fat nope on the hail no train to no-flippin-way-ville.

  2. I'm baffled at just why she's popular. The talent just ain't there.

  3. Wild, #witchtok is awesome till you wake up and there's a demon gnawing on your inner thigh.


  4. Jim, she's awful and has been for a while.

    Back in the '90s a girlfriend met her at a party in New York and asked, "Hi, my name's x, who are you?" Only to receive the frenzied reply, "I'm Madonna! Madonna!"

    Insane back in the '90s. Obvs worse now.

  5. Sorry, NFO, but it was Halloween.

  6. I'm old enough to remember when Halloween was an innocent children's holiday where we went around the neighborhood in silly costumes and asked for candy.

    Who knew then that it would morph into "Sluttoween".

    I don't like to see adults dressed up in costumes. Yes, if you are accompanying your children but for god's sake let the kids have their innocent holiday back!
