Saturday, September 24, 2022

What Utter Idiocy


You may have noticed Air Force academy cadets in Colorado have been taking Diversity and Inclusion classes, D&I, which teach them to use gender neutral language. No more "Mom" and "Dad" for these future warfighters, via Fox News:

According to Fox, an Air Force Academy spokespersyn told the news channel that D&I training prepared the cadets for "warfighting effectiveness." That's right, inclusive language and diversity is key to force lethality, it wins wars.

Yes. Imagine the scene, you're flying low and fast in a rook through deep echelon air defense, somewhere in Eastern Europe. By a miracle you make it and deliver ordnance on target, more miraculously still you get it back to the airfield and there you are, alive, mission accomplished. And all because everyone in your team said "transgender service people" and wrote letters home to their caregiver guardian parents. 

No. They didn't say "Mom" or "Dad," and that's why they won the firefight, said no one ever until the advent of today's rainbow hued American Armed Forces. Leaving aside such total, utter idiocy, why this push to erase our identity as human beings, as Mothers, Fathers, men and women?

On the one hand, it comes almost honestly from people who believe these definitions are instruments of oppression and must therefore be abolished. No man, no woman, no Mother, no Father and at last we're equal, but equal as what? As sexless drones of the hivemind, serf beasts obedient to power. 

Unintended consequence for sure of an ideology which doesn't believe in the reality of humanity in the name of freedom, but there it is. And remember, everything the Left enacts produces the opposite of its intended result. 

And Big Money loves it. Let's rake in Raytheon diversity billions because gender inclusive, green munitions save the planet even as they rip people apart. Thank Gaia you don't refer to them as Mom, Dad, man, woman as you burn them down. 

Your Old Pal,



  1. My father served in the Air Force and if he were alive today he'd be ashamed. There are times when I would welcome a Chinese invasion. At least we'd get rid of the useful idiots.

  2. Years and years ago, I read a book called “Turnip Greens and Sergeant’s Stripes” by Martin Grimes, an Alabama-raised man, who went from private in 1940 to captain in 1945 and retired as a first sergeant. Amazon says Grimes was “a self-made soldier,” but there ain’t no such animal. For a back-then approach, Grimes wrote of his first five-paragraph field order from his company commander on an island just invaded in the SW Pacific. He said his commander was sitting on the body of “a dead Jap” and eating from a can of C rations. When Grimes approached to get instructions, the commander pointed with his C ration spoon at a jungled hill and said, “There’s a bunch of Japs on that hill. I want you to go kill them for me.” Oh, wailing of wails and gnashing of teeth!! Grimes’ response was, of course, “Yes, Sir.”

  3. The Air Force Academy has always had a dark side. Years ago we hired a young lady who dropped out her second year with physical injuries. She had tales to tell that should have sparked a Congressional inquiry. Not long after I knew a lady whose son was a AFA graduate. He was already regretting ever attending and planned to do his obligated four years and then get out of the Air Force. The takeaway from both was the cadet Code of Honor was selectively enforced.

    Diversity, IMO, will only get our people killed in a war. I suspect those pushing it already hate the military and resent the resources the military consumes.

  4. Destruction from within, their subversive tactic to wreck the military piece by piece while making America weak and vulnerable to our enemies.
