Friday, September 16, 2022

Off To The Vineyard!

Ever notice those espousing we give up a little so those without can have some (which is socialism) are rich? (WSF)

Have you noticed how Florida and Texas are sending their immigrants to sanctuary cities and the ritzy retreats of our beloved ruling class, like Martha's Vineyard? You know, the Vineyard, where all the prophets of climate change flooding set up in millionaire socialist mansions, by the sea.

Sure you have and so have they, and guess what? They don't want illegals in their backyards. Well you can't blame them, but you can say NIMBY, virtue signalling, corrupt, mendacious, profiteering, mountebank hypocrites. Right?

Go on, DeSantis and Abbott, let's see moar planes, trains and buses full of immigrants land right on the manicured lawns of their summer seaside mansions. Ship 'em in. And who knows, some might even find work as servants, maids, gardeners and beyond.

You can't serve God and Mammon.




  1. Most of us figured that out when 'princess' called the sheriff on the ones who dared to set up on her Napa Valley property a few years back.

  2. I know it's a sin to delight in the distress of others......BUT.....seeing our rich elite squirm as THEY have to deal with the problem was delicious.

    By all means. Let's get the leftists to deal with the consequences of their policies.

    P.S. I toyed with the idea of changing the blog name to "" since after I got married we moved to a nicer place in Riverdale. But you have to admit, Manhattan Infidel has a nicer ring to it.

  3. Nothing quite like a good old dose of MillSoc hypocrisy, Anon.

  4. Infidel, I'm glad you stuck with the original name, it has a good sound. And congrats on the new place. That said, we're all looking forward to your upcoming place on the UES (Upper East Side). You know it makes sense.

    Lib tears are the best tears.
