Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Just Driving Along


There we were, just me and the young soldier driving around town in the beauty of a Texan sunset.

For some reason it reminded of long ago in Detroit. There I was, pretty much fresh off the plane from London, and there he was, an older, hard-bitten looking Brit. We were at a sales meeting, eating and making oblique credential pitches.

"Good to meet someone from the Old Country," I offered, "Used to be in the British Army." He looked me in the eye, "So was I." I'd figured that, cleverly, "What'd you do?" He took a bite off a California Roll, "Sold beans to the Saudis."

"That's interesting," responded a very junior LSP, mind like a steel trap, "I left to become a priest, maybe now a Roman Catholic priest."

"You did, did you? Say the Lord's Prayer in Latin then." Which I did. After adveniat regnum tuum he grinned and admitted defeat, "That's enough, mate."

We closed that deal, for used auto industry exhibit booths, curiously. There's money in those woods, though it wasn't for me.

I file this random story under "anything else I care to think about."




  1. Sometimes what causes a customer to pull the trigger on a purchase doesn't have a dang thing to do with what they're buying. It's endlessly fascinating to me.

    1. Quite a thing, Wild. And a strange episode for me.

  2. LOL, those 'odd' thoughts are always interesting in hindsight...

  3. Kind of a thing, NFO. Oh well, everyone got out alive.
