Thursday, August 25, 2022



hmmm, note WHITE WOLF

Yes, we live in an age of miracle and wonder, Shia LaBeouf has converted to traditional Roman Catholicism. No, this isn't from the Babylon Bee, the Onion or the autists at /pol, Shia's actually done it, he's embraced the Faith. Far out, it wasn't always this way:

Lampooned in the pages of this popular mind blog and relentlessly attacked by 4Chan basement dwellers, don't say Shadilay, for being a two-bit millionaire socialist fraud, Shia found his life spiraling out of control. So to save his plummeting career and possibly his life, the actor accepted a part as St. Padre Pio in an upcoming movie.


Moved by the Spirit and his experience living with Capuchin friars, to say nothing of learning the Latin Mass, Shia converted. I know, you couldn't make it up if you tried, but such is grace, here's Fox, via the NYP:

“I know now that God was using my ego to draw me to Him. Drawing me away from worldly desires. It was all happening simultaneously. But there would have been no impetus for me to get in my car, drive up [to the monastery] if I didn’t think, ‘Oh, I’m gonna save my career.'” 

While researching and performing the role, however, LaBeouf said he felt “tricked” by God.

“And when I got here, a switch happened. It was like Three-Card Monte. It was like someone tricked me into it, it felt like,” the actor recounted. “Not in a bad way. In a way that I couldn’t see it. I was so close to it that I couldn’t see it. I see it differently now that time has passed.”

There is, says the Good Book, more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety-nine self-righteous prig hypocrites that don't. And note this, all ye doomers, if it can happen to him there's hope for us all yet.

Well done, Shia, keep it up, love you brother.

Your Old Pal,



  1. May God bless him, and help him keep his Faith.

    There's times it ain't easy....

  2. I always thought he was a very good actor, but Hollywood is toxic, especially for younger folks. (“The Greatest Game Ever Played” is a favorite.) Then he went off the deep end. YET…God prevails in a Road to Damascus moment, the unexpected journey in full view. Love it. To God the glory.

  3. Welcome to the fight Shia! I love a happy ending.

  4. Amen.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. Only God will truly know what is in Shia's liberal, black, hate-filled heart. I hope this has made him truly a better man, but, wow, does he have some serious demons riding on his shoulders.

    I'll pray for him and hope his conversion is true, and that the branch of Catholicism that he converted to is also true.

  6. 'Pope' Francis may lead him down the wide path to 'you know where' if he follows him. I'm Catholic but I'm not sure Francis is Catholic or even Christian.

  7. Most definitely, Paul, and I was taken aback. Look how happy he is in the first photo, there's a lesson in that right outta the gate.

  8. Right on, DOS.

    You know, a lot of Anglican converts to Rome think they've reached a promised land utopia, and I get that, but the fight's actually way more intense.

    As you know.

  9. Just a bit of good news, Linda.

  10. I think, Beans, that if he stays with the Capuchins he's ok. Seriously. But yes, pray, the demons will redouble their offensive.

  11. Anon, we mustn't judge, but narrow is the gate.

    I feel Francis is locked into a weird 1970/80s time warp, rebelling against the seeming rigidity of the Old Church, something like that. Perhaps I'm being kind.

    But no, we need Trent not Vatican II Empty The Pew to confront the onslaught of secularism and its demonic offspring.
