Monday, August 8, 2022



Imagine your Grandson, a citizen of the future, a place of flying cars, massive arcologies and limitless fusion power, a place of peace. He looks up at you innocently and asks, "What was it like, Grand Father? Back in the '20s?" And we look back at the child through hoary eyes, looking back in time.

"Well, son, we had to take a vaccine that wasn't a vaccine. We weren't allowed to leave the country. And there was an election that wasn't an election and we didn't know the difference between a man and a woman. 

"So we sent all our money to a country that used to exist in Eastern Europe to give Raytheon and Lockheed Martin even more money than they already had. They called that country 'Ukraine;' now it's part of Russia, Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And there was Climate Change, which meant a tax to make us richer even though it made us poorer."

Picture the young 'un scratching his head as he plays with your razor sharp saber, "But, Grandfather, why did they do such a thing?" The innocence of youth! "Because, you see, they were driven insane by the evil spirit, by Satan. Its outward and visible sign, you understand sacraments, was Drag Queen Story Hour."

Seriously, we've sent another billion bucks, yes, a BILLION, to our corrupt Ukrainian satrapy and for why? Because Western Values? Laugh your way to the nearest trans toilet. ROI? Now you're talking, and with it the golden opportunity to carve up Russia itself.

Word to the wise, going to war with Russia has a way of going badly, see Napoleon and Hitler. But perhaps this time will be an exception to the rule because we're led by the great Philosopher Kings of the DC Genius Patrol.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam,



  1. And domestic terrorists raided the home of the former and future president.

  2. Olivia Newton-John dead at 73. Look back at her iconic moments - RIP

  3. Things could be worse. Imagine Garland as a Supreme Court Justice.

  4. We are truly blessed to breathe the same air as our globalist lords and masters. As a serf I pledge my undying loyalty to the uniparty, uniworld government.

  5. I hope my flying car sounds just like George Jetsons.

  6. If you like your flying car, you can keep your flying car.


  8. Ed, it just gets worse and worser. Like wow.

    Thanks for the fbook repost, btw. Banned :)

  9. Ain't that the truth, NFO, and they're getting weirder still.


  10. Thanks for that, commoncents. RIP, ONJ. Things were better then, eh? And that's just the appalling '80s. Imagine the culture shock of living from '45 to '85.

  11. Yes, Infidel, we give UNDYING ALLEGIANCE to our GREEN OVERLORDS.

  12. Right with you, Kid. But our electric flying cars will be silent as we fly in luxury above the serfs toiling in the urban farms which were once cities. Let them eat kale and crickets as we pop eminently sustainable Veuve Clicquot.

  13. Yes, pewster, they most surely did. I mean for goodness sake, they're out there saying it's a "sacrament."

    Such blasphemy.

  14. But only if it's electric and costs a minimal 200k. Everyone else gets to walk or ride bicycles, if they're not LOCKED DOWN.

  15. Whoa, BadFrog, hadn't heard that! Nice.
