Sunday, August 28, 2022

Go Green


How awesome it is to go green and save the planet! said every infantile 16 year old girl ever. But hey, good call, here's an infographic:

go green serfs

Europe deindustrializes? Hurray! Yes, back to the plow and the furrow. And how ya gonna heat your house? By chopping wood? How very heimat. But it's worth it because Ukraine. Don't get me wrong, by all means go back to hunter gather status but if you do don't complain when the Russkies and ChiComs rule.

shocking bad taste

Whatever. Curry here at the Compound while we still have electricity, light and meat, chicken. Then we'll go green, just like all those other seaside millionaires on Martha's Vinyard.

Your Eco Friend,



  1. There isn't enough wood to heat all the houses in Europe, I don't believe. I've read of dried cow pies and such being used...
    And probably not enough wildlife to support those living.
    Perhaps the peoples who eat cats, dogs, and horses have the right of it; but I don't think so.
    Soylent green, anyone?
    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. Alles ist in ordnung, yah. Germans don't do well when things get out of whack. Interesting times ahead, I'm afraid.

  3. It's too bad that almost all of the buffalo have been killed off or you could just drive out into the prairie in that fancy truck, bag one, clean it and freeze it and you could eat all winter.

    Being an LSP you could call fire down from heaven to roast it (Isiaih) while the false priests of Baal would be drinking Soylent Green (unable to manage a spark).

  4. None like unto The Beast, wot?

  5. I never thought I'd see the possibility of class warfare. Not in America. But if our lords and masters expect the serfs to be quiet, freeze and starve in winter while they galivant across the globe in private jets then there will be trouble.

  6. Exactly, Linda.

    People who kill babies will do anything.

    Soylent Green. Yum.

  7. Totally with you, WSF, hence closing infographic.

    Curiously, the woman, a ballerina, Frau Ley, threw herself out of a window. Of course she was married to a beast. The Fuhrer notoriously shot himself.

    We're heading into choppy waters.

  8. But LL, don't you mean 1 Kings? Elijah?

    Whatev, the song remains the same. No roast meat for the false prophets, only delicious cricket snacks and tofu.

  9. Aye, Wild.

    The words "cast into a lake of fire" spring to mind.

  10. But Infidl we must OBEY our ruler.
