Sunday, July 24, 2022

Cheap Trick


Cheap trick? What, Kamala Harris, our government? No, just the band. Here they are, live at Budokan:

Rock on,



  1. So I am intrigue...who has the finer set of teeth? The Cackler or Donkey Chompers AOC? Just putting that out there.

  2. Definitely not cheap. She wastes plenty of our money.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. I agree with LindaG - not cheap. Pro Skillsets aside, and teeth aside, what's left?

  4. Whoa, good call, DOS.

    Maybe AOC?

  5. But Linda, what a nasty trick! Sorry, that was rude.

  6. RHSM, Command stands askance.

    What an utter sh*tshow.

  7. I won't soil your blog with my comments about the currently installed VP....

    Cheap Trick is one of my favorite bands. They started in Rockford, IL, and used to come down to my area when they were just getting known. My buddies and I would drive 25 miles to see them as they put on a great show.

    Years later, I got to see them at the Hollywood Bowl with the L.A. Philharmonic doing the entire Sgt Pepper's album. Nielsen's daughter Daxx was touring with them, and he introduced her to the audience. Astoundingly good show! Jolly Good, in fact!

  8. The thing that's always made me wonder, "Egad man, what were you thinking when you hooked up with that thing given her history?" is what Mr. Harris, whatever his real name is, was thinking when he hooked up with that thing given her history. Ewwww......
