Saturday, July 16, 2022

Butchers And Liars


Jordan Peterson calls the shot. Watch this:

When has the left gone too far? When it insists that the surgical mutilation of children has become a moral necessity. When it insists that believing that has become a sign of moral virtue and that all else is unethical.

Good work, Mr. Peterson, sending those shots right into the X Ring. In the meanwhile, we remain compliant as medical professionals, surgeons even, butcher our children for profit.




  1. And may every complacent adult roast in hell!

    1. I totally agree, WSF. The sheer scale of this demonic lunacy is mindbending. Poor kids, eh?

  2. I think there is a lot of the "Munchausen by proxy" syndrome involved and the parents are often complicit. Cui bono. Still very evil!

  3. Good call, Surfer, and to be fair, Peterson was on a bit of a rant. Imagine if it was your kid and the phalanx of follow the science wickedness you'd be up against. So I urge compassion, but still, per you, very evil.
