Monday, July 18, 2022

A Bit Chilly


Here we are in Texas and it's a bit chilly, with temps pushing 110*. Brrrr. So what do you do? Go out on a recce and notice the streets are empty, yes, the road is your own. And what a road, lying there under an unrelenting sun.

March or die, I thought, putting one foot in front of the other. Do. Not. Give. Up. Ever. Back at the Compound, which has air, I reflected on this wisdom. Whoever said life'd be easy? I recall no such promise.

In related news, UK airports are shutting down because planes are getting stuck in melting asphalt, think tar babies. Thanks a lot, GRU.




  1. I remember Sky Harbor airport in Phoenix shutting down when it hit 122. Apparently the air was too thin to fly.

  2. This world wide heat is from the tree huggers bloviating.

  3. It is a typical mid July day here in South Carolina. Because of the heat + humidity, all work outside must be done in a bathing suit. At least I have a lake to jump into.

  4. If they would stop cutting trees and stop blaming cows and energy for global warming, we might be better off.

    You all be safe, stay cool, and God bless.

  5. Alas, this is a bit more serious than is grasped.

  6. Songs of the South- the only Disney feature that I did not see growing up. I believe it has now been banned as being too rayciss, even though (just like Gone with the Wind) the strongest characters are black. Sad!

  7. I used the term "tar baby" in a work email as a metaphor for work that never goes away and keeps coming back. And then I was told that term could be considered racist.

  8. WSF, the do produce MASSIVE amounts of hot air, which is toxic.

  9. We must thank God for lakes, Pewster.

  10. Linda, our town council made this wise decision. Viz. Cut down all the trees in the town center.


    Did that amazingly clever decision make someone(s) richer? Huh.

  11. Tragic, DOS.

    Do you remember when we were allowed to put ethnic minorities on product marketing?

    Banned now.

  12. GenX, report yourself, IMMEDIATELY
