Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Unicorn Brigade


Oleksandr Zhuhan and Antonina Romanova were worried, would they be allowed back onto the front line of the Ukrainian Ost Front after a sex change and gay marriage? "I was really worried," said Antonina, formerly Anthoney, "But everyone was really kind, they recognize our pronouns."

Zhuhan, who identifies as a Cossack male and Antonina, who identifies as a Rimsky Korsakof ballerina have joined the Ukrainian Unicorn Legion, the world's first LGBTQ+1 fighting unit. "You just can't make this sh*t up," said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

The US wasn't far to follow, with the US Marine Corps broadcasting its support of the gay trans movement in the form of a faggy rainbow bullet recruitment poster. "The gayer we get the more lethal we become," said Sergeant First Class Glitter Fairy to Military Times.


But Russians weren't convinced, "I am not sure," said Hero Commander of Russia Alexandr Shoigu, "if to die laughing. Maybe it is globohomo joke."




  1. First the Queen Berets and now the Queen Machine replaces the Marine Green Machine as a mother of Marines.

    It's very special, LSP - Queen Marines storming the beach and looking fabulous while doing it - groomed eyebrows and all.

  2. Hard to tell which is the humor and which is the real.
    That's sad.
    It's about time some people hung for treason.
    Some is a euphemism.

  3. I like it. I wann see 18 of em trying to haul a mortor and plate up a mountain and not break a nail.

  4. This effeminate bravo sierra will change when the rubber meets the road in battle...but "Nah, we're not in a war with Russia, nothing to see there according to the bums in charge."

    When boots hit the ground every bit of this rainbow pap will disappear in a heartbeat. War is serious business, as you and your readers know too well. The weaklings, quislings, and cowards at the top are not serious people, but [most of] the rank and file are dead serious. One soldier dies on Ukraine soil and all hell will break loose on these people.

    Yeah, hope is not a strategy, but we are asymptotically reaching the small end of the patience funnel with these seditious clowns who believe "that they know so much that isn't so".

  5. LL, you can imagine how popular this rainbow garbage is with the rank and file. And it's weird, the Dems want us to go to war but they seem to think this some kind of drag show.

  6. I don't predict a happy ending, Ed.

  7. Or ladder a stocking, Kid. And it's the same old thing we've seen in Europe for decades, the ruling power betting on never, ever, ever having to fight a serious war again. That gamble's not looking so good lately. But hey, maybe rainbows will increase "force lethality." snerk.

  8. I totally agree, Paul. It's an expression of degenerate, decadent, bored luxury. That ends when things go hot.
