Friday, June 24, 2022

SCOTUS Rules For Life


So they actually did it, SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade this morning by a 5-4 majority, ruling that abortion's not a constitutional right but falls under the legislative authority of the states. At the time of writing two states, Missouri and Texas, have declared abortion illegal.

Wow, what a victory for life and what a blow to the satanic death industry and its cult. Now watch the Left erupt with demonic rage; who knows, maybe they'll set some cities on fire in time for the mid terms. That in mind, it's surely a good thing SCOTUS ruled in favor of the 2nd amendment right to open carry earlier this week. I wasn't expecting that one either.




  1. Forty-nine years and 60 million dead babies. The price of realizing the truth? Applying numbers, the cost of Israel was 6 million Jews murdered in a five-year period, plus more millions in pogroms by civilized Europe.

  2. Oh no! The Court abolished abortion! NOT!

    The court corrected a wrong when they threw it back to the states. The court does not have the right to either enact law or establish new rights.

    As Judge Bork argues in his book Slouching Towards Gomorrah there have been far to many times the court has gone beyond their scope. The Yonkers desegregation busing case, while in many minds, morally correct was and is unconstitutional. The court made new law.

    Yesterday’s decision on gun rights, correct and adhering to the law of the land.

    And now abortion. forget which side you are on with any of these cases. Are the rulings Constitutionally sound? They are not and thus had to be corrected.

    I’m no scholar, but the Constitution is actually quite succinct as to the law of the land. This BS of the Legislature or the Executive branch wanting the courts to enact law has got to stop and this is a good beginning

  3. The vote was actually 6-3. Roberts filed a concurring opinion saying he would rather have compromised on merely upholding the Mississippi law, but he voted with the majority.

  4. Where will all of the workers at the death clinics go to find work? One would hope, not to the local hospitals.

  5. Hallelujah! Praise be to Jesus Christ now and forever! Blessed be his Most Sacred Heart!


  6. And yet, not one person who wishes to murder their own child will be stopped by this, thanks to those states who will still worship Molech and the readily accessible transportation of our country. Much work remains to be done.

  7. God says, “Finally enough of them understand.”

  8. I worry about violence here in New York City. I worry that our Catholic churches will be firebombed at worst and invaded by "peaceful protestors" at best.

    But then I remember that our fearless attorney general Merrick Garland is on the case and surely, SURELY, he will prosecute anyone who threatens a church or a pro-life pregnancy center.

    Who am I kidding. He will only prosecute if "White nationalists" are involved.

  9. Actually the discussion now shifts to the states. The federal government is out of the abortion law bisiness, but the states cam still allow it. 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal.'Winston Churchill.

  10. It is a win for the little people.

  11. What a hideous death cult, Sgt.

  12. And that's curious, Katherine, given his performance to date. Maybe he's found some kind of Epstein Island immunity?

  13. Now that, LL, is a very good question. I hear they're going to set up infanticide death camps on Federal land, maybe they'll go there?

  14. Let's see what happens in the next few months, Paul. I predict baby killers go hog wild satan crazy.

  15. Infidel, we await the spectacle of Dem cities going up in smoke. It'll look good for the mid terms because nothing says vote for me like a mob of crazy baby killers burning down your city.

  16. Churchill was awesome, Anon. And yes, right back to the states where it belongs.
