Monday, June 20, 2022

Rule Britannia


Great Britain's newly appointed Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Patrick Sanders, has issued a challenge to the country's armed forces. These along with their allies must be "capable of... defeating Russia."

"The world has changed since the 24th February and there is now a burning imperative to forge an Army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating Russia in battle," stated Sanders in a June 16 message to civil servants and all ranks.

With total respect to General Sanders, what a tall order. After several decades of cuts and the decimation of once proud regiments, such as the Glorious Gloucesters, the British Army amounts to some 76,000 men and women. But not to worry, it has a whopping 227 tanks, 5015 AFVs, 89 self-propelled guns, 89 towed guns and 126 rocket systems. 

Like what, 178 guns? 200 tanks? Wow, at least there's some rockets. But what does this mean. That by 2025, according to the UK's Army, the Sceptered Isle has one, yes one and only one combat ready battle group of maybe  25,000 troops. There you have it, and to put it another way, a meaningless force without US heavy firepower. And by way of context, several months fighting has cost belligerents in the Ukraine more casualties than UKLF has members.

More on this and the Western European gamble of never having to fight another major, industrial war again (read the link, not long) anon. But I'd argue Sir. Patrick Sanders has a lot on his plate right now, as in rebuilding the British Army. Good luck to him. 

Rule Britannia,



  1. I guessing on of the first issues will be not enough pounds sterling. Then again, it may all be rendered moot. Cut off Kaliningrad? Well yeah, if you want to start WWIII, and that is just what the current PTB want.

  2. Well Parson, I have followed you from time to time, not regularly b/c I don't spend a lot of time online what with looking after 100 mama cows, plus a full time job, and the upkeep of fence, barn, feed truck, tractor and equipment, chickens, orphan calves, and garden etc...keeps me and Mama plenty busy....I was born here in Texas in 1960 and still live in the little burg of 650 souls where I was born...we actually had a hospital parents raised me to be conservative and I cast by first ballot in 1982 for Reagan and never looked back...but I to the meat of my reply...
    UKRAINE is a democrat money laundering hell hole and anybody who supports that country supports the democrat party and all of the godless principles upon which they stand. Change my mind...
    God bless Texas and the United States of America...

  3. What the previous two gentlemen said, in spades.

  4. Dammit, RHT, Danzig Corridor... terrifying.

  5. Anon, I have tried to keep this a country blog and I have mostly failed, what with everything else I care to mention. That said, your words rang true, Viz. "UKRAINE is a democrat money laundering hell hole and anybody who supports that country supports the democrat party and all of the godless principles upon which they stand."

    100% agree and then some.

    What an evil crew of satanic mountebanks.


  6. Presumably Sanders used to get a lot of crap down at the O-Club before he got promoted General. Whatever, they have him surrounded; that simplifies things.....

    Country blog. Well, Rev., the United States is a country, or used to be, so you're still on target, mostly.

  7. Whatever the size of the force, few people realize how lethal they are. That said, what has happened to the United Kingdom in my lifetime makes me sad.

  8. Again, WSF, wisdom, and I'd be the very last to denigrate the British Army. But wow, it's been betrayed by self-serving fools to the point it's meaningless. Like really, one battlegroup, and a small one.

    Still, there's greatness in GB, imo, but it might be sleeping, for now.

  9. Well said, Wild, and I have to say I don't know where he ranks in White's, way above my pay grade which is, ahem, irregular.

    But thanks for the country plaudit.
