Sunday, June 26, 2022



OK. Mindblog consensus says LSP, keep the kitten. WSF bets on it, Wild quietly approves, Adrienne demands it and DOS offers practical advice, "Blue looks like he's like some company. Just keep the cat as an outdoor variety to keep the mice, chipmunks and squirrels in check. My $0.02."

Who am I to deny your collective wisdom? The cat stays, per DOS, ON. THE. PORCH. He's happy there and keeps mice and all the rest at bay. But what do we call this CAT? "Bobby" clearly won't do and my first instinct was to call it Cat. Simple as that, but maybe Private is better. After all, he's obviously a battlecat.

In other news, a friend from across the pond sent this in, go on, have a look.

Perhaps someone should contact marketing?

Your Best Friend,



  1. OK, you're keeping "CAT".

    Please, get him his shots, and get him neutered. Otherwise he'll get pretty feral.

  2. A cat will bring adventures, some good and some not so good but will liven your abode.

  3. Call him Marmaduke, Duke for short. I think Blue will be happy to have a new friend, you should keep him. God bless, Pastor, I read your blog every day, it' a light in the darkness

  4. He looks like a Marmaduke to me, Duke for short, Blue will be happy to have a new friend, God bless, Pastor.

  5. Second what drjim says...shots and neutered. Also plant some catnip.

    If it's a boy: Trump

    It it's a girl: Melania

    Love those big ears. That cat has 'mouser' written all over it.

  6. Here at the Manhattan Infidel homestead we have three cats, Missy, who is 12, Penelope who is 7 and JP who is 1. JP is short for John Paul. Yeah, we named our cat after a pope. Any problem with that?

  7. I must say that your name "private" for Battle cat is amazingly appropriate,
    Because as he matures and earns Battle stripes, his rank and name can grow as his legend grows...
    First "private", then "corporal" perhaps one day maybe a commission...
    Or if he is really good at what he does, becoming a Warrant Cat!
    (I kind of like the sound of that: CW3 = Cat Warrant3, and addressed as Mr. Hissster)
    Which is fine if the name changes, because cats ignore their names even more than their masters/servants.

    MSG Grumpy

  8. What a cutie kitty! (We have 4 so I am biased. One is a PTSD kitty for our Vet son.)

    As for the flag, it clearly needs to go.
    But then Kamala would tell me I am being abusive, or some such.

    You all be safe, Parson. God bless.

  9. Better ask it what its preferred pronoun is before you name it.

  10. The cat currently running our household has had several names, but the current one seems to have devolved to Dammit Cat, or at least that's how we normally address her.

    I would humbly suggest Gloster, based on the Right Rev's military service, and of course the Gloster's having cap badges both front and rear, sort of like a cat does, in a manner of speaking, of course.

  11. My porch pirate is 14 this year. I'm not an cat person... But at 3-4 weeks old he found his way to my driveway and is still here. No longer a menace to song birds or mice... That happens with age... But does swat my leg on occasion when I pass by his lair. Never got more creative than OC.. Orange cat.

  12. We got one coming around looking for our garden cat (she's fixed, he don't know it). Crys like a fool over her. Looks like yours, I call him Tommy 2 tone. He don't care. Allan

  13. Keep us updated on Cat's progress pls.

    We have a cat who hangs out on the back porch. He'll come into the kitchen to eat breakfast but has no interest in the rest of the house. He likes it out there, even in winter, though I put a heating pad and bed in a box for him then. Often he's off somewhere in the neighborhood though even in winter.

    Oddly, I've never seen him with anything in his mouth. With a bird feeder feet away he has no interest.

  14. When God sends you a kitten, who are we to argue?

    x2 DrJim...if we were closer MrsPaulM could take care of that for you.

  15. I've been reflecting on that, WSF. Let's see if he stays.

  16. Thank you, Anon!

    I like Duke.

  17. Total mouser, DOS. Ferocious little cat.

  18. JP, Infidel?


    I might call my next cat Vignano, just a thought.

  19. MSG., I like the way you've mapped out the progression. I'm hoping, and it's just me, that this CAT hits Warrant. We'll see.

  20. Prayers for your son, Linda.

    Then there's that flag.

    Russkies are brazenly mocking us for the rainbow thing, and who can blame them?

    Bless you.

  21. Dammit, pewster, I forgot. But I think CAT prefers "killer." I don't know for sure, it's just a feeling.

  22. Oh! Wild, I like GLOSTER. Nice.

  23. I like that, Annie, nice one. I'm not a cat person either, but it's hard to resist a kitten, eh?

  24. Heh, I had to chuckle, Allan.

  25. Let's see how this cat thing works out, Kid. I'm hoping he stays, tbh. Porch cat.

  26. Good call, Paul. Arguing with God tends to end badly...

  27. Just call the cat Monty and be done with it. That would be Patton's nemesis Brit.

  28. I read Terrapod's comment and read "call the cat Monkey." Then couldn't figure what a monkey had to do with Patton, so had to go back and reread, haha. :)
