Wednesday, June 22, 2022



Today's the anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, when the Reich invaded Russia/USSR with over 3 million men. They reached Moscow and I'll stop there, what a hideous conflict. Millions died.

As did the Reich. What an utter, no holds barred catastrophe. 

Respect to the fallen,



  1. And here we are 80 years later, begging the Germans to build up their army and invade Russia. (It's the only way to stop Putin's gas price hike!)

  2. The Cross of Iron was written by Willie Heinrich, who experienced the German side of the retreat from Moscow up close and personal. Later made into a movie of the same name by Peckinpah starring James Coburn. I'd have to recommend both, but if somebody was looking for any glory in either of them, they will not find it. Nor should there be any.....

  3. The Eastern Front, or the Great Patriotic War, was the Somme and Verdun over four years. Two absolute dictatorial governments, each as ruthless as the other, with survival at any means the goal.

  4. Good vs evil til the end of time.

    Imagine what could have been.

  5. Weird coincidence, Infidel, German self-propelled guns were delivered to the Ukarine to fight Russia on June 22, 2022.

    Let's see how that works out.

  6. Haven't seen it in years, Wild. But yes.

    What a HIDEOUS fight.

  7. Sgt., words fail. Such satanic wickedness and so many young men lost, to put it very mildly.

  8. Most definitely, Kid.

    And here we are, in 2022, in the Land of the Free and the Brave where dissent from our Beloved Leaders gets you a 4 am door kick in and years of solitary without trial.

    I don't think our Fathers/Grandfathers fought for that.
